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President Bush Planted Fake News

Introduction According to a January 2006 Harris poll, more than three quarters of US adults rely on local TV news on network or cable news on a daily or nearly daily basis. Thus the quality and integrity of news reporting impact significantly on the public’s ability to decipher everything that...

In Defense of Video Games

Introduction The video games industry has risen recently to an extent where it can compete with the movies business in terms of annual earnings. However, despite this progress, this industry is criticized for many factors such as violence and popularizing the non-physical forms of play and entertainment. This essay is...

Major Objectives of United States Foreign and Defense Policy

The United States foreign and defense policy enables the nation to interact with other foreign nations. The United States being the only remaining powerful nation after the cold war has a highly influential foreign policy in international affairs. The major goals of the United States foreign policy are to ensure...

Group Decision-Making and Organizational Behavior

The fact that two individuals can be given the same information but interpret it differently shows how significant can the impact of influence on people’s decisions be. The decision-making process managed only by one’s personal opinion may be not constrained by other factors any rely solely on individual attitudes, education,...

Criminal Justice Today: Purposes of Criminal Laws

Introduction The success in solving the problems of criminal law is directly connected with state and level of criminality, and with the effectiveness in dealing with it. However, we should not exaggerate the role of criminal law in crime control, even with the active actions of law-enforcement institutions. The criminal...

Western Civilization History

Civilization is the general transformation or progression from one lower stage to another that includes several aspects of composite authority in spiritual, law, or solid organizational values. Communal, superior quality thinking and general performance attached for the benefit of a bigger population generate quick growth that enhances civilization. Historians have...

Influences of Americans’ Belief in Individualism on U.S. Policy on Welfare and Education

Americans’ belief in individualism is a significant factor that has an overarching influence on the United States policy on welfare and education. It constitutes Americans’ value system which orients members of American society towards what is desirable for their society. The United States policy on welfare and education delivery is...

Marijuana Legalization: Onle Medical Purpose

Introduction Marijuana (cannabis) is a drug widely used for medical purposes in America. Sill, marijuana is prohibited on the state level which creates problems for medical staff and patients. Marijuana is a drug that should be prohibited but its legal status will help doctors to avoid criminal responsibility. Legal status...

Changes in Pop Culture

Introduction Television has become a central entertainment stop for many people. People watch countless movies, talk shows, news, and comedies every day. The American pop culture pushes television entertainment to great heights and shows have achieved celebrity status. The actors in these shows have impacted popular culture and society insights....

Murdock and Nietzsche: Religion and Morality Relations

Introduction Morality and religion – what is the relation between these two notions? Are they interconnected or mutually exclusive? Can religion exist without morality and, vice versa, can morality exist without religion? These are difficult questions to answer but we are going to make an attempt to do it in...

How Oil Markets Affect Household Budgets

Depending on global supply and demand, as well as geopolitical tensions, the price of gasoline can rise and fall. Price spikes in oil markets are mainly caused by the overall difficulty to find and extract fairly priced oil. Oil price increases are generally associated with an increase in inflation and...

Internet Protocol Version : IPv6 and IPv4

Overview The paradigm shift geared towards embracing DoD enterprise-wide networks from Internet Protocol Version 4 (Ipv4) to Internet Protocol Version 6 (Ipv6) was enhanced through a legal framework that was initiated by the assistant secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration (ASD NII) with a primary objective to ratifying...

Homeless Youth and Narration Inquiry

Introduction Homeless youth is a serious problem that requires further investigation. For our research, we have chosen to employ qualitative design, namely, narration inquiry, Qualitative design is exploratory: by studying people’s thoughts and opinions, it provides researchers with an opportunity to gain meaningful insights into the nature of various phenomena....

“Into the Wild” by Sean Penn

Introduction “Happiness is only real when shared”. This is the main idea of Into the Wild (2007) directed by Sean Penn. While watching the movie I became once again convinced of the righteousness of this statement. People are social creatures by their nature and they feel happy only when they...

No Child Left Behind Act Overview

Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) was introduced by the U.S. Congress in December 2001. In spite of the benefits and advantages expected by children, schools, and the local educational institutions, NCLB becomes a real problem for modern society and children, lower educational achievements and progress of students. The first proposal...

Country Report on China

History The Chinese have one of the world’s oldest continuous civilizations, spanning some five thousand years. China has long been ruled by dynasties. Some were formed by native Han (such as the Ming Dynasty, 1368–1644), and others were established after nomadic tribes from the north conquered China-proper (as did the...

History of World War I and World War II

Introduction World War I and known as the First World War was the war that was meant to end all the wars. This was a global war that took place in Europe from the year 1914 up to the year 1918. The war involved so many causalities which included so...

Success of Apple iPod and Role of Promotion and Distribution

Introduction Apple inc. introduced iPod on October 23, 2001. Since then there is no looking back. As of march 2008, it has sold over 140 million worldwide (Charles Gaba). The launch of iPod was a landmark event in the history of music. Although apple’s iPod was not the first MP3...

War in Iraq and Its Influence on International Relations

War in Iraq is one of the most controversial and debatable issues today. This war has both pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages for the USA government and the nation. The main problem is that this war affects many countries, their social and economic situation, political stability, and international relations....

Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing & Healthcare

Introduction Evidence-based practice is the consistence application of the best available evidence together with clinical expertise in making clinical decisions concerning patient’s medical care (Dawes & Hill, 2000). Thus health practitioners use both qualitative and evaluative approach in addressing healthcare issues. Moreover, the practitioners have the opportunity to evaluate clinical...

Biopsychology: Neuroplasticity

The function of the brain is important to execute all physical activities that drive life forward. The key mechanisms underlying the diverse roles of the brain originate from its ability to regenerate and repair neural cells by a process known as neural plasticity. This physical process may be either innate...

Physical Geography: A Landscape Appreciation

Introduction A good definition for geography in general is the study of the earth and the movements upon it. Obviously, this creates a great deal of overlap into other sciences as it entails the sociological elements of how people move and interact with each other, how space is defined both...

Human Embryonic Stem Cells Debate: Science, Ethics and Public Policy

Introduction Today, Stem cell research is one of the most interesting areas of biology. The research makes use of two types of cells namely; embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. Like any expanding and fascinating scientific field, stem cell research is surrounded by many questions, as the research continues...

Critical Interpretation of Contemporary American History: Empire and Militarism

Introduction The United States of America has been moving toward militarism and imperialism for already many years. Political changes could not but influence American society, though it remains passive to the establishment of new rules and policies in the state. According to Chalmers Johnson, the author of the book “The...

Opposing Legalization of the Right to Die

Introduction Euthanasia, otherwise known as mercy killing or assisted suicide, has been a controversial subject for many centuries. Proponents of the practice believe that individual freedoms of choice that exist in life also extend to the end of life. They also argue that the sentiment of humane treatment afforded animals...

Cosmological Argument: St. Thomas Aquinas and Kant

The Cosmological Argument for the existence of God, as propounded by Thomas Aquinas, hinged on the five general principles. This, in Aquinas’ masterpiece, was entitled “The Summa” (The Five Ways). In what follows, we would be critically discussing the first, second, fourth, and fifth pillars of his argument while reserving...

Church of Jerusalem — Mother of All Christian Churches

The Jerusalem Church, also known as The Jerusalem Orthodox Church is considered the Mother of all Christian Churches. There were many great events that took place in Jerusalem which have become the centre of human history: the sufferings, the crucifixion, and the ascension of Jesus Christ. Saint James the Just...

Buddhism – Four Noble Truths

Introduction Buddhism is one of the world’s major religions, first appeared in northeastern India in approximately 552 B.C. as a consequence of Hinduism. Buddha (the liberal one) believed that all people are reborn again and again until they attain nirvana, a sense of complete peace and happiness. Those who reach...

The Impact of Corporate Culture and Quality Performance on Company

Introduction Modern management theories state that corporate culture is one of the building blocks of efficient company performance. Without established physical, moral, and ethical standards of practice, employees and businesses might experience challenges adhering to the rigid demands of the competitive environment. All successful companies have well-developed and progressive corporate...

Elements and Functions of an Effective Information System in Education

Introduction An efficient information system is inevitable in schools for effective and resourceful learning. The very foundation of the administration of schools depends on the information system available there. An effective information system keeps the students as well as the management updated. It can also meet the administrative and the...

Counter Terrorism Policies Made by Western Countries

A terrorist is a person who uses violent measures and methods that are harming in order to coerce a certain government or society. His main aim is to terrorize with whichever methods he wishes. It could be by instigating plane crashes, use of bombs or other methods. The September 11...

Leadership Style: Strategies and Interventions

Introduction Leadership is a very essential element at all levels more especially in organizations. Leadership entails directing other elements, through influence, to get things done. Leadership style on the other hand entails the manner and approach taken by leaders in providing direction, implementing plans as well as motivating people. There...

Book of Job: Resolution of Conflicting Claims

The Book of Job is part of the Old Testament portion of the Christian Bible and an integral part of the Hebrew Bible. The book of Job is extremely well written and one of the most renowned pieces of Biblical literature as it aims to investigate the common question which...

Identity in “Everyday Use” Story by Alice Walker

Introduction The main purpose behind the action in Alice Walker’s short story “Everyday Use” is to compare closely two sisters in relation to their sense of identity. The first sister introduced is Maggie who still lives with her mother in a poorly constructed home near the country. She’s planning on...

Wind Energy and Non-Renewable Energy

Several thousand years ago, wind energy was being used in some civilizations in the world. Historical evidence has shown that in 5000 BC, wind was used to power simple sails and this was very helpful in the transportation using the mode of transport of water, the champions of this technology...

Literature. “Humanistic Tradition” by Gloria Fiero

Introduction The book ‘Humanistic Tradition’ written by Gloria Fiero, discloses the development of literature world under the influence of World War I pressure; the author managed to illustrate the changing nature of the epoch reflected through the poems and fiction of the period. The analysis of the principal works of...

Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Now Movies Comparison

The stories of the past are still capable of reaching the modern-day audience, but many are being re-told through the media of the movies. Hollywood has faithfully reproduced classics like Hamlet and Oedipus Rex, but they have also ‘borrowed’ the plotlines from other classics as a means of creating new...

Psychology. Dreamwork Perspective

Abstract Dream psychology tries to explain the cause and the meaning of dreams. This paper analyzes dreams and tries to establish a link or a connection between the dream and the real life situation as theorized by the dream psychology and other perspectives. Dream has been explained as the work...

Globalisation of Markets and Production

Key Drivers of Globalization Globalization refers to the increased interdependence among countries; this interdependence has resulted in the international mobility of goods and services, capital and technology (Johnson and Tuner, 2009, p. 21). The development of globalization, like any other occurrence, has been driven by several factors as discussed below....

American Red Cross Society

The Red Cross was founded in February 1863 in Geneva, Switzerland, by the Geneva Public Welfare Society. The society set up a team of five Swiss citizens to form a committee to look into the idea of dealing with the protection of the sick or wounded in the war. The...

Political Predictions: Is China About to Collapse or Fall Into Crisis?

People always attempted to raise the curtain of the future and foresee the course of the events. At the basis of the interest in political predictions lie sufficiently strong vital motives. The practice of control of sociopolitical processes confirms: the higher the prognostication level, the more effective, more successful planning,...

Product Development and Supply Change Management

This chapter provides a description of the background of the study, statement of the problem, justification of the study, research questions, the scope of the study, and limitations of the study. There are various steps involved that include an introduction or coming up with the business idea, growth maturity, and...

Water Scarcity: An Issue of Living in the US

The Problem Water is a natural resource found in nature and is essential for supporting the life of both plants and animals. Water scarcity is the imbalance that is likely to occur between the available water and its demand. The increased population growth and the rise in water demand are...

Emperor Constantine’s Influence on the Church

Christianity has claimed Constantine as one of their own for a long period although there is no clear evidence about it. Even at the end of his reign, the emperor was still open to new philosophical ideas. Pagan Sopater influenced him so much that he ended up being assassinated at...

Influences on Behavior and Psychological Disorders

Thesis Statement Influences on behavior and psychological disorders are the powers affecting persons and can be discussed as factors that cause these disorders, or the things that trigger these disorders. These could be biological, genetic, environmental, social and psychological factors; they could be a single factor triggering the disorder or...

Electoral College System in American Elections

Introduction The Electoral College system is a crucial part of American elections. It is basically made up of a group of representatives from every federal state that is given the responsibility for selecting the country’s vice president and president. Selection processes, functions, and responsibilities of the Electoral College are all...

Wal-Mart Company’s Inventory Management

Introduction Inventory management is control over the state of the available quantity of goods, as well as the decision-making process aimed at saving time and money. The purpose of this phenomenon is to minimize the cost of goods that a particular enterprise purchases and sells. As the company under investigation,...

Theory of Ideas: Plato the Originator of Idealism

Plato is rightfully considered the originator of idealism. Explaining in details about the concept of idealism represents a great difficulty and demands great effort. Idealism can merely be defined as a philosophy which reduces all existence to forms of thought, or in Plato’s case, idea. The word “idea” is originated...

Economic Issues: Impacts of Increase in Oil Prices

Economic shocks Several events occur in an economy and they are likely to cause a significant effect on the economy. Most of these events are erratic while others are predictable. In some cases, they take place outside an economy while their consequences are felt in the economy. These events are...

“The White Man’s Burden” by Winthrop D. Jordan

“The White Man’s Burden: Historical Origins of Racism in the United States” by Winthrop D. Jordan reveals the problem of racism and slavery in the eighteenth century. In Chapter, Three Jordan writes about the constant growth of the African slaves in the colonies of the USA. He says about the...

Alcoholism and Its Influences on Family

Introduction In this paper, we are going to discuss the dangerous influence of alcoholism on family. In particular, we need to focus on such issues as the rupture of family ties and alienation of parents and children. For this purpose, we may refer to various scholarly articles dedicated to this...

Chomsky’s Contribution to the Study of Syntax

In the theory of linguistics, Noam Chomsky introduced the concept of generative grammar in the latter half of the 1950s. This concept was also known as transformational grammar, however, Chomsky’s most recent theory is known as the Minimalist Program (Chomsky, 1995). Generative grammar is simply a specific approach to the...

Total Quality Management as a Competitive Advantage

Total Quality Management (TQM) is a paradigm used in business and organizational management in ensuring that the quality of products and services are appealing to customers. TQM is a business management tool that is being embraced by many business firms as they work on improving their competitive advantage. Service and...

Comparative Advantage in International Trade

Introduction Comparative advantage refers to an economic theory that depicts the ability of an individual or a firm to produce services or goods at a lower opportunity cost in comparison to other competitors in the same industry. Firms that have the comparative advantage over others are associated with lower marginal...

War on Terrorism in US

Introduction On Sept. 11, 2001, hijackers crashed commercial airliners into the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon outside Washington D.C., killing thousands of people. The attack was the most devastating act of aggression on U.S. territory since the Civil War (1861-65). Declaring the assault an act...

Globalization: Understanding and Effects

Introduction Globalization has revolutionized the world in many aspects. In this paper, the effect of globalization on individuals as well as the society as a whole will be discussed in details. The work will be guided by the data collected to help in understanding the topic globalization in the market...

The State of the Art of the Museum of Fine Arts and the Bluffer Gallery

Summary “Houston’s global art scene” – the article written by James Howard Gibbons covers tries to summarize the representation of art exhibitions in Houston. The state of art summary presented within the article addresses the Museum of fine art and the Blaffer Gallery. The author emphasizes the international shade of...

Constitutional and Intellectual Property Cases

Constitutional law Facts The electricity company disconnected the electric supply in A’s house because of the incapability of A to offset his bills which perceptibly exceeded the maximum permitted time of 90 days allowed by the power company grounded on its tariff agreement. B Later paid off the bill and...

International Management and Globalization Effects

Introduction International management is the administration or management of a company that operates businesses in more than one country. The administration of businesses that have branches within the same country requires basic administration skills; however, international management requires intensive knowledge and skills. International management requires the managers to master the...

The Rise and Fall of the Neo-Cons – American Empire?

Neo-conservatism is a relatively recent categorization of a political ideology that has infiltrated the culture and been embraced by the current Bush administration. Commonly thought to be synonymous with the far right-wing of the Republican Party or ultra-conservatism, the expression neo-conservatism, or ‘neo-cons,’ describes a new type of conservatism, one...

Lost Beyond the TV Show

Introduction With an average of 16 million viewers in the United States, ABC’s Lost is one of the world’s most popular television shows. Using a plane crash on an unknown island as the springboard of the story, the main characters belong to the 48 survivors of the Oceanic Air Flight...

Celebrities, Advertising Themselves

As far as we know, mass media intrusion into our everyday life seems to be of crucial effect, and we are more inclined to think that it fetches a sort of moral self-destruction. We take for granted when celebrities show their naked bodies through the glossy cover of a fashion...

The Death Penalty, the Ultimate Deterrent

Opponents of the death penalty argue that the penalty is unjust but proponents disagree with this position because they believe what is truly unjust is the deliberate act of taking another life, murder. Further, an injustice society should not condone is allowing murderers to keep their lives after imposing the...

Nature Strongly Influences Early Human Development

“A baby goose (a gosling), moments after it breaks through its shell, begins to walk after its mother. From then on, the goose will attach itself to other geese in all its social behaviors. A newborn human baby, just a few hours after birth, sucks on a nonnutritive nipple more...

The Hiroshima and Nagasaki Atomic Bombing

The Pearl Harbor Attacks The Second World War was an international military conflict involving most of the world’s nations, including all the major world powers. It was organized into two military alliances opposing each other and involving more than 100 million military personnel giving rise to the most widespread war...

Philosophy. Ontological vs. Teleological Argument

The ontological argument by Anselm starts from the Bible where he uses a fool who denies that God yet he acknowledges the fact that God is something that which nothing greater can be thought. The ontological argument in my view is of great importance because from a theistic point of...

Genetic Theory on Crimes: Is Evil Really Born That Way?

Many people believe in the miracle that a gene could do in the development of an offspring. They say that the roots (biological parents) determine what a child would be when he grow up. If he is born from a criminal parent, chances are, he would turn out to be...

Inter-Tech Company’s Marketing Plan

Executive Summary A significant number of businesses and business firms continue to crop up every day. This further affects the already prevailing competitive business environment. The need for a marketing plan cannot be overemphasized here. It is becoming a necessary condition for firms that either want to enter the market...

Noam Chomsky Contribution to the Study of Syntax

Introduction Auram Noam Chomsky is considered in the linguistic circles as one of the greatest contributors to the development of syntax. He is an American linguistic author, political activist, and philosopher, and he is credited with one of the most significant developments of linguistic in the 20th Century. This contribution...

Information System at the National Level Schools

Introduction An information system is inevitable in schools for effective and resourceful learning. The very foundation of the administration of schools depends on the information system in the same. An effective information system keeps the students as well as the management perfect and updated. It can meet the administrative and...

Ethics of Athletes Using Performance Enhancing Drugs

Drug testing began as an intervention to remove any unfair advantage that an athlete who uses drugs might have. This reason was especially valid for drugs such as central nervous system (CNS) stimulants and anabolic steroids–two groups of drugs that are believed to improve physical performance and endurance. The banning...

Rhetoric of “Ground Zero” by Suzanne Berne

Introduction In her essay Ground Zero, Suzanne Berne explores the aftermaths of September 11 attacks. In particular, the author tries to render this feeling of loss and incredulity in the hearts of many American people. The work describes her pilgrimage to the site of the World Trade Center, and she...

Sociological Theories on Religion

Abstract There are several sociological approaches that have been used to discuss religion, most of which have originated from theoretical precursors such as Marx, Durkheim, and Weber, as well as from other notable figures in human society. Although most of these approaches have developed different analyses of religion, resulting from...

Kids and Advertisements: Hawking Without Thinking

Introduction Each day, when watching television, we would most often encounter countless advertisements that hawk our products that we do not necessarily need. All of these products that they are literally shoving into our homes can be tolerable for adults because they can already distinguish the products that are good...

Judaism. The History of Religion

Outline There exist a lot of distinct features regarding Judaism that make it different from other religions such as Christianity even though research has shown both originated from ancient worship of Hebrew people. However, research has further shown that, both modern Judaism and Christianity are not continuation of Judaism of...

World Religions: Islam Analysis

A brief History The advent of Islam took place at a time in Arab when people worshipped idols made of wood and stones. The concept of unity of God had vanished since Christianity also believed in Jesus as son of God. Christians and Jews also lived in Arab along with...

Hume’s “Skepticism” About the External World

In Plato’s allegory of the cave, he describes a scene where a group of individuals is trapped in a cave facing away from the source of light. Meanwhile, all sorts of objects and people parade on a raised path, casting their shadows on the wall they can see. For these...

Attitudes and Motivation in Second-Language Learning

Introduction The discussion of second language necessitates the elucidation of the term ‘first language’ more popularly known as the ‘mother tongue’. The first language or mother tongue is the primary language which children acquire due to the social impact of their environment and their surroundings. This acquisition of the native...

Importance of Selecting Appropriate Programs for Learners at Different Levels

Curriculum Alignment Curriculum in a formal perspective entails a plan defining all learning activities to be exercised for the optimal realization of set objectives and goals of an educational program or system. These activities involve learning methods, teaching methods, content to be covered, evaluation and assessment methods to be used...

Effects of Sleep Deprivation

Sleep is an important and inevitable activity, and humans need a minimum of eight to nine hours of sleep each night in order to stay healthy. However, in this fast-paced life and industrialized world, sleep has become more of a luxury than a necessity. Sleep can be defined as a...

Knowledge Management in Organizations

Organizational epistemology cognitively views organizational knowledge as an involuntary process where individuals are usually exposed to the knowledge that is in the environment. The senses that are common to most individuals pick the information from the environment and sort it out to build mental models of the surrounding objects. On...

Multilateral Diplomacy During the War in Iraq

One of the main issues in the events preceding the Iraq war was whether the world community and general and Security Council, in particular, would allow military assault on Iraq. When it became obvious that U.N authorization would call for further inspections, the invasion leaders determined to attack the country...

Legal Rights of Students With Disabilities

Introduction Children with disabilities make up a group of the population, requiring special education services. The Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), which was enacted under the administration of President Ford in 1975, has become a significant base for guaranteeing the special educational services to children with disabilities. On the...

Global Foreign Direct Investment Changing Pattern

Introduction The focus of this paper is to provide a report of the question which requires analysis and explanation of the changing trends in FDI since 1990. The paper will be divided into four main sections to answer the question. The first part seeks to define the general topic at...

The History of Electrical Engineering in Idaho, Utah, Montana, and Wyoming

Abstract In most countries, Electrical Engineering is referred to as Electronics and Electrical Engineering. It is that branch of engineering that deals with the study and application of electromagnetism, electronics, and electricity. The study encompasses the study of power, telecommunication, controls, and signal processing. There is though a slight distinction...

Global Peace Studies Review

The book –”The Unconquerable World: Power, Nonviolence, and the Will of the People”, by Jonathan Schell, points out the relationship of violence to political power. It states that, by the end of World WarII, the future is of peaceful co-operation among countries. The author says that the ethics of Virgil...

Language Policy in the USA and the European Union

Introduction American English vocabulary is widely influenced by the language of Native Americans. This is due to the association of migrants with Native American in the North American mainland and the Caribbean. Though some native words continued to be used in the American English vocabulary some words faded away. The...

Renewable Energy Resources

The consumption of energy all across the globe is increasing rapidly which is leading not only to an energy crisis but also to serious concerns of environmental degradation. As such, concerns regarding the environment play an influential role in the planning and usage of energy and the sources from which...

Hominid Evolution and Influence

The theory of modern evolution has to answer a lot of questions. Questions about the origin of man have not only scientific value, since ideas about the natural derivation of man from the monkey-like species as the result of evolution existed since antiquity. This essay deals with two topics: The...

Morality: What Does It Mean to Live Well?

This paper would seek to analyze the concept of beliefs and what it means to live a life that is concentrated on not only doing good deeds on an individual level but also on acting for the welfare of others; on a societal level. This paper would analyze the concept...

Fire Prevention Unit VI and VII: “Arson Motives”

Arson is a separate topic in fire prevention analysis and should be analyzed from different perspectives due to the involvement of the human factor in this process. Arson as the “malicious and willful burning of the house of another” (“Arson,” 2007) will be discussed in this paper, and specifically the...

Virtual Network Structure Overview

Executive summary Many organizations are considering restructuring their organizations to meet the dynamic nature of the external environment resulting from globalization. One of the alternatives is the adoption of the virtual network structure that is enhanced by the advance in technology. Virtual network structure works within a cyberspace environment. The...

Wind Power in the United States

The greenhouse effect is a term that describes an increase in the average global temperature and is often associated with global warming which is the subject of great debate and concern worldwide. Although warnings about the human-generated causes of an enhanced greenhouse effect and the subsequent catastrophic outcomes have been...

Paterson City, New Jersey: History and Boundaries

Introduction The author of website ‘Paterson,_New_Jersey’ says, “Paterson is a city said to be located at the Great Falls of the Passaic River in New Jersey. It is where the river cuts through the edge of Wachung Mountains and drops almost 80 feet. It was once one of the mightiest...

Terrorism and the United States

Introduction Terrorism remains one of the biggest challenges facing the United States government. Security resource (2008) defines terrorism as the use of force against people or property of the United States, for purposes of coercion, ransom, or intimidation, in which the perpetrators of the acts attempt to create fear among...

Philosophers’ Views on Body and Mind Relationship

Introduction Philosophy is the examination of the causes and fundamentals of realism, principles, or facts which have a basis on rational reasoning instead of pragmatic techniques. There are various philosophers who may have differing views on some particular issues and these differences are influenced by the different experiences that they...

Evolution and Sampling in Hip Hop Music and Culture

Sampling is an integral part of hip hop beat making or hip hop production. Samples are usually taken from vinyl and imported into samplers/sequencers. In music; it is the act of taking a portion, or sample, of one sound recording and reusing it as an instrument or element of a...

Plato and Aristotle on an Ideal State

Introduction Since ancient times, philosophers try to define and develop the concept of an ideal state and government, which meets the needs of both citizens and state rulers. Plato and Aristotle created their ideal in accordance with the rules and traditions of their historical period and its values. In a...

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