Gender-Based Violence Overview


Gender-based violence is described as a ferocity whose selection lies in the person’s sexual identity. Forms of violence include physical, emotional, verbal, coercion, sexual, deprivation of basic needs, threats, and psychological abuse. Though some occur publicly most violations are carried out in private. Gender-based violence is a violation of human rights and a denial of freedom in life’s various social, political, and economic aspects. Though both genders face forms of gender-based violence, women because of their presumed inferiority are victimized more than men (Andersen & Witham, 2011). The severity of the violence is worse in marginalized women based on factors such as their race and economic status. The terms Gender-based violence and violence against women are occasionally used interchangeably to acknowledge the violence that has been inflicted on girls and women. Violence is a phenomenon rooted in the inequalities between men and women in terms of power. Men occupy the most powerful positions in society giving them the freedom to suppress women.

Violence against women: a form of discrimination and human rights violation article

Gender-based violence is a violation of any country’s law. Breaking the law is a criminal act with legal consequences. Violence against women is a form of discrimination and human rights violation. It is an article that examines violence against women in the world as a crime and a barrier to attaining equality, peace, and the promotion of human rights (Akhmedshina, 2020). The article specifies that violence against females is a global pandemic with no social status or cultural limits. Violence determined by sexuality is a global challenge that requires strategic interventions to resolve.

Covid-19 and the violence against women and girls: “The shadow pandemic” article

As the Covid-19 pandemic hit the health sectors, medical stakeholders and governments sort to curb its severity and spread by controlling movements and interactions through lockdowns. As national lockdowns were instated across all nations, every person had to work from their homes together with their families. Studies done reveal that during this period gender-based violence cases increased rapidly. More females than men were assaulted sexually and physically, threatened, and psychologically tortured. More women were found to have developed post-traumatic stress disorders associated with long periods of intensive stress and depression. Suicidal incidents were also on the rise due to the mental health issues brought along by gender-based violence. Family is assumed to be the best source of happiness and protection. During the pandemic period, however, it became evident that family members can turn out to be the worst enemies. This is so as most victims of gender violence over the period were assaulted by their own family members.

Gender depiction

Gender is identified as a conception of a person as male or female (Andersen & Witham, 2011). The conception is then reflected in role division which is an outward manifestation of gender identity. In society, roles imply how someone should behave, groom, or talk based on the assigned sexuality. It also dictates the kind of tasks one should be assigned. Men because of their presumed power and strength are assigned complex and heavy duties while their female counterparts act on simpler and cheap tasks. Gender is perceived as a summation of inherent and extrinsic factors such as culture and environment. In society, gender identity is manifested in terms of behavior and appearance, such as masculinity.

Gender is expressed as a tool of perception and oppression. Gender identity impacts the aspects of social roles, opportunities, and roles of the people. Gender is also related to immutable biological features common to individuals in society. Besides the biological and physiological specifications of gender, there are also role associations. Gender is implicated as an opportunistic tool whereby various social opportunities, such as education, are ascribed to people in relation to their specific gender.

The Social Construct Theory

The social construction theory of gender relates to gender behavior based on social convention. To the articles, gender role division and stereotyping are inherent behaviors passed from one generation to another. The passing of this belief from generations from the traditional periods where women were perceived to be of lesser value than men led to continued violence against women and girls in society. From the stories, it is clear men have, over time, master the skill of manipulating the physical and social environment by their physical dexterity to serve in their favor. On the contrary, females have been presented as weaker objects. It is demonstrated that women lack both the strength and resources to defend and fight for themselves.

Gender-based violence is attributed to gender segregation in children’s activities. Gender segregation amongst children orients the child’s mind to be discriminative on the basis of gender. Role division in society is hierarchical and patriarchal in nature. Women are subject to cheap home labor and are seen as maids, while males act on more technical roles that require skill and strength (Akhmedshina, 2020). It is also evident that women are weak, which is the reason behind their physical abuse and sexual harassment. In terms of power, women have been subjects of oppression, denying them the power to fight for their rights. Ever since the traditional times to date, women have been denied the chance to in powerful roles such as leadership.


It is evident that both the male and female genders are victims of gender-based violence. In society, they are both subjected to various types of prejudice and stereotyping in terms of femininity and masculinity. Culture has also legitimized violence in terms of normative expectations and roles.


The term gender-based violence is often used interchangeably with violence against women and girls. This is because women and girls suffer more from the effects of the violence to a level that men are presumed to be safe from victimization. In society, men are thought to be mighty, powerful, strong, and powerful while women are presumed to be of a lesser value. This can be well demonstrated in childbirth celebrations in communities. The birth of a son is celebrated more than the birth of a daughter. The male domination has provided most of them with the power to suppress females.


Akhmedshina, F. (2020). Violence against women: A form of discrimination and human rights violations. Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal, 2020(1), 13-23.

Andersen, M., & Witham, D. H. (2011). Thinking about women: Sociological perspectives on sex and gender (9th ed.). Allyn & Bacon.

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