The Feminist Movement: The Background and the Connection to Sociology


Feminism is a succession of social movements, political movements, and ideas in politics, economy, personal and social life to define and achieve equality between the two. Women’s organizations have focused on addressing women’s civic and political rights for decades (Peters & Wolper, p. 2). Feminism argues that societies give priority to the views of women and that in those places, women are being abused. Such efforts include fighting the sex stereotypes and guaranteeing that females have the same chances and outcomes as men for education, training, and interpersonal work.

Feministic groups championed the vote, the public office, the work, equal pay, ownership of property, education, entering contracts, equal rights in marriage, and maternity leave. Furthermore, feminist organizations strived to access legal abortion and social integration and prevent violence against women and girls, gender discrimination, and domestic abuse. In addition, modern feminists often incorporate standards for women’s attire and appropriate physical exercise. This topic is closely related to gender and society since it is a gender movement in society that shows a particular group of people in the world.

The Background

Among other things, the feminist movement includes movements to enhance reproductive rights, maternity leave, home violence, women’s vote, equal pay, sexual harassment, and sexual assault. According to Cifor, “The social movements of the 1960s also recognized the explicit link between the creation and management of information and the growth of their movements” (Cifor & Wood, 6). The movement’s aims vary per nation and community and include everything from opposing female genital mutilation to opposing the glass ceiling in another.

Feminism stretches back to the birth of culture and believes in the equality of women in political, economic, and cultural life. The feminist movement has no unfamiliarity with economic, political, and social conditions (Sen, p. 1). There are three waves of feminism. The feminism of the first waves is about property rights and the right to vote; feminism of the second waves is about equality and anti-discrimination; feminism of the third wave responds to the perceived privileges of a white, straight woman of the second wave.

There was a strong relationship between the abolitionist movement and the women’s rights movement during the First Wave. Frederick Douglass was active in both groups and thought they needed to collaborate to achieve absolute equality in race and gender. Second-wave feminism began in the United States and spread throughout the Western world and then beyond. Third-wave feminism encompasses various feminist actions and studies, the precise borders debated throughout feminist history. The movement originated partly due to second-wave feminism’s perceived failings and backlash and the view that women come in various colors, ethnicities, countries, faiths, and cultural origins. This wave of feminism broadens the definition of feminism to embrace a wide range of women with various identities.

The Connection to Sociology

Feminist sociology is a theory of conflict and a conceptual method for gender and power in a more widespread context of facial expression contact and reflection. Sexual orientation, ethnicity, economic position, and nationality are just a few of the topics covered. Feminist sociology further explores the reasons why women are restricted in their claim to equality between the sexes. In recent years, feminist contributions to sociological theory and other areas of the field have flourished. Their impact has spread to other social science areas and the humanities, resulting in establishing women’s studies as a distinct academic department.

The feminist viewpoint bears any similarity with critical theory. Although many individuals feel it should be categorized, we will typically study feminist theory and conflict theory throughout this course. Feminist sociology studies gender power, whereas conflict theory concentrates on uneven power and resource distribution in general. The problem is examined at the macro-level of the social systems and the micro-level of frontal contact. Due to this microscope study, feminist theory often is connected with symbolic interactionism.

Feminism is a conflict theory that looks into gender inequalities. It investigates the persistence of gender roles and unequal power relations using a conflict method. The function of the family in preserving the domination of men is mainly explored by radical feminism. In a patriarchal culture, the contributions of males are appreciated more than women. There is a common and presumed patriarchal mindset and organization. Consequently, the views of women are often rejected or ignored to the extent where they are sidelined.

Critical Analysis

The term “critical feminist theory” conjures up a slew of theories and interpretations. In some instances, the word critical is used to modify feminist theory, implying that all feminist theory critiques society’s sexist attitude toward women. In this sense, feminist theory is a philosophy that reflects the radical notion of women as human beings. Feminist theory has not gone far enough in addressing women’s structural oppression, some definitions of feminist critics mean.

New critical assumptions are openly addressed in feminists. For example, instead of viewing the literary work as something that contains the world or as a world unto itself, feminist critics argue that we should see it as something contained by the world. To put it another way, many people believed the New critics went too far in divorcing literature from its settings, physical situations, and the real-world material conditions in which it is created, read, and analyzed.

In social, political, economic, and intellectual cases, feminism argues for men and women to be treated equally. Feminism, not a sex or sex issue, is a political attitude. Some women saw their feminist identification as an opportunity to challenge prevailing behaviors (Hogeland, p. 1). The feminist movement signifies various issues to distinct persons. There are several types of feminism, and various political and intellectual viewpoints are associated with it. Analysis of sex and gender debase health, science, and engineering research, medicine by examining how gender and sex influence all stages of data analysis, including prioritization, funding decisions, project objectives, methods, data collection, evaluation, patent development, and idea transfer. The goal of this strategy is to prioritize analysis in order to lead actions toward gender equality. At the same time, sexual and gender analysis is used as a tool to stimulate innovation in science and technology and improve men’s and women’s lives.

The feasibility of the category women has been brought into doubt by numerous critics of the sex/gender difference. Feminist is a women’s movement that aims at eliminating the injustice experienced by women together. If feminism is a genuinely inclusive movement, feminists must recognize cultural and societal variations in gender construction and be wary of positing similarities that obscure key ways women differ. These issues have resulted in a scenario in which feminists seek to speak and make political demands on behalf of women while rejecting the notion of a single category of women.

The critical study of literary works from a feminist perspective is known as feminist literary criticism. In a different approach, feminist literary critique is feminist theory-based literary criticism, or, more precisely, feminist politics. It may also be defined as studying the language, structure, and literature utilizing ideological discourses and feminist norms. Liberal women, radical feminism, socialist feminism, and Marxist feminism are the primary types of feminism. The western feminist literary critique essentially comprises the American school, the British school, and the French school because of the historical and cultural heritage disparities. Instead, these schools were communique, influenced, and promoted one another, not entirely isolated. As a result, every school of any type made a significant contribution to feminist literary critique’s development and maturity.


Feminism, in short, is based on the birth of civilization, and is a belief in the political, economic, and cultural equality of women. In social, political, economic, and intelligent concerns, feminism calls for women and men to be treated equally. Feminism is a political approach, not a problem of gender or sex. To various individuals, feminism implies different things. There are several types of feminism, and a variety of political and intellectual viewpoints are associated with it. Feminist theory is a philosophy of confrontation that examines inequalities of gender. It studies the continuation of sex roles and uneven relations of power using the technique of confrontation. Feminist researchers are accepted more and more into academia, but women’s expertise is all too frequently neglected (Åhäll, 37). Thus, women’s opinions are often muffled or suppressed to the extent that they are disregarded or rejected.


Åhäll, L. (2018). Affect as methodology: Feminism and the politics of emotion. International Political Sociology, 12(1), 36-52.

Cifor, M., & Wood, S. (2017). Critical feminism in the archives. Journal of critical library and information Studies, 1(2).

Hogeland, L. M. (2016). Feminism and its fictions. University of Pennsylvania Press.

Peters, J. S., & Wolper, A. (Eds.). (2018). Women’s rights, human rights: International feminist perspectives. Routledge.

Sen, G. (2018). The SDGs and feminist movement building. New York: UN Women.

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