Gender Roles and Matriarchy

The world is diverse, and people have different cultures and values that determine how they live and interact in the community. Gender roles are some of the aspects that involve various practices that individuals can exercise. Typically, it involves how persons are expected to behave, speak, dress, act, and conduct themselves based on their sex. Thus, behavioral expectations are largely involved in gender roles. Matriarchy is where the mother is the family leader, while patriarchy is a social organization where the father is the family’s head. Therefore, one can analyze matriarchal society to determine the different sex roles involved.

Various cultures have several thoughts about female dominance in society. Many communities in the past centuries did not exercise matriarchy since women were viewed as inferior to men. Males were given leadership roles and the head of the family due to characteristics such as strength and bravery. Moreover, many cultures believed that females lacked leadership traits. Thus, the inexistence of matriarchy was encountered in many regions. Nonetheless, the approach was experienced in some societies, such as Mosuo in China and Minangkabau, Indonesia (Sanday, 2018). Communities have also transformed in the modern world, and sex roles have changed in multiple areas.

Many women in the contemporary world hold the primary power positions in politics, moral authority, social privilege, and wealth control (Goettner-Abendroth, 2018). Although the number of male leaders in different organizations is higher than females, there is an increase in women’s dominance. Education has also been used to transform people and help them appreciate all individuals regardless of their sex (Sanday, 2018). Many women are also educated and have various leadership positions in the community. Females are also engaging in some of the activities that men in the past dominated. For instance, they are joining the military, and some are in numerous political positions. Thus, many societies are appreciating women since more people are educated, and are offering females different responsibilities.

Men used to be seekers of economic independence through investments, farming, and land ownership in the past. However, matriarchal societies in the modern world have allowed women to be leaders and capitalize on their organizations and other activities such as agriculture and trading. Many women have ensured that they participate in programs that help improve people’s living standards in the community. For instance, females have various roles in charity institutions that provide different services in society. Cultures guaranteed that women were confined at home to provide domestic work (Goettner-Abendroth, 2018). Nonetheless, this has changed in many nations, whereby women are being given different responsibilities in government and non-government corporations. Gender equality has also been encouraged in the modern world, and women’s empowerment has led to females acquiring leadership positions and different jobs in society. Moreover, they are no longer expected to settle for housewifery. Consequently, many females are pursuing a career of their choice while balancing a mother’s and a wife’s requirements.

To conclude, women are being offered various roles in the community. Many females are in politics and other organizations, whereby they lead and guide other individuals. Various aspects involving gender roles have also evolved due to education. Many people have different levels of schooling, which helps in appreciating all persons regardless of their gender. Matriarchy has also been of great significance since women have discovered their capabilities in different fields. In this case, many females have graduated with different courses, enabling them to work in various sectors. Thus, matriarchal is vital since it allows women to possess wealth, engage in land ownership and farming activities, and become leaders in the community.


Goettner-Abendroth, H. (2018). Re-thinking “Matriarchy” in modern matriarchal studies using two examples: The Khasi and the Mosuo. Asian Journal of Women’s Studies, 24(1), 3-27. Web.

Sanday, P. R. (2018). Matriarchy. The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology. (H. Callan, Ed.) 1(1), 1-7. Web.

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