Conflict-Handling Techniques for Organizations


Conflict is the real or anticipated opposition of customs and morals both inside and outside of an organization. Since people are different in perception, at times individuals may clash over roles, positions, power, among other things. The success of a good manager within an organization is determined by the ability to understand the different aspects of an organization, efficient and effective allocation of resources, and finally welcoming people’s diverse values and behavior. (Bisno 135)

Owing to the varied nature and complexity of individuals as well as group behavior, conflicts are common occurrences at the workplace. This paper enlightens the reader on conflict handling techniques. Taken based on organizational management, conflicts are a hindrance to performance and therefore effective achievement of key objectives may be cumbersome. Situational managers deal with conflict matters as they arise. (Bisno 135) In this case, the following techniques could be applied in any conflict situation:

Negotiation Techniques

The organization is treated as a round table and all employees are assumed to be involved in the negotiation as they confront themselves and others in one way or another. Under this technique, different interests are presented under the guidance of negotiation rules. Certain strategies and tricks are employed to achieve an effective result. This stage does not only consist of a party introducing its point of view but also includes thorough persuasion and the ability to convince the other party of its merit. (Bisno 137)

The negotiator must understand the background and the environment when to utilize concession skills or remain rigid of the conflict. Negotiation is suitable in a case where both parties feel that they are right and important and should be heard. An example was in Kenya where the 2007 presidential candidates felt that both of them had won the election. Both political parties were hardliners in the negotiation that led to the formation of a grand coalition government. The same problem was witnessed in Zimbabwe in the last general election. The advantage of the negotiation is that participants will be able to differentiate the negotiators interest and point of view and understand the various stages of negotiation and select strategies and tactics in negotiation with awareness. This is important in handling difficult negotiators i.e. those hardliners. (Baron 615)

Assertive Techniques

The technique of assertiveness is a system of pressuring, which takes the party’s aims and concepts into concern, and ensures that the partner’s conflicting attitude or possible doubt is also taken into account in a compassionate manner. The ambiance and expressive tone of these meetings have an effect upon the prospect for cooperation within the business and with the customers as well. If these individual negotiations and meetings are at all overwrought, relationships between colleagues can decline, which can negatively impinge on both individual and company results. (Bisno 138)

Assertiveness is always considered as one of the best techniques of managing conflicts in the world. Most big corporations in the contemporary business situation use assertive techniques to solve conflicting groups and associations within the workplace. Organizations like AIG, ING, and Sans Burry are proudly known to use this technique. Assertiveness is best applicable where one party feels that the other is inferior and therefore continues to exert insurmountable power over others affairs. An example includes where two employees i.e. executive and non executive director are involved in a war over power wrangles. The advantage of assertiveness is that communication becomes efficient and authentic and hence a win-win relationship is formed between the opposing parties. It is therefore considered always as creating a healthy work environment and eliminates anxiety, depression and stress within a working environment. (Baron 617)

Empathy and trust techniques

Empathy and trust are podiums for effective understanding, communication and interactions. In developing resolutions, understanding and confidence are key ingredients in making sure that no conflicts arise. In the modern volatile economy, empathy, trust, understanding and sympathetic communications have been found to establish a good rapport not only between business to business but also between employee to employee and employee to the business. (Baron 617)

In a multifunctional organization, conflict is a common problem. Where a manager has established a strong relationship with employees, it will be very easy to detect conflict before it turns chaotic. Empathy and trust are also used to address internal conflicts and may be difficult in situations where an organization has waged a war with its industry rivals. It’s also used to manage customers’ complaints. An example is where Skoda tried to persuade its customers that had run away from its Octavia brand in the UK market. (Bisno 140)


Conflict resolution is an important aspect of the manager’s role in an organization. Suitable conflict handling and detecting techniques should be used in order to eliminate situations of unrests as have been witnessed in many business organizations. Conflicts are expensive and may cost an organization a lot in terms of personnel, resources and time. Good managers are those that incorporate conflict management in the organization’s top agenda so that in the event that such situations occur, the managers will have easy time.

Works Cited

Baron, Roberts. & Greenberg, Jerald. 4thed.” Behavior in organizations: understanding and managing the human side of work.” International student edition 12.4(1993):614-680.

Bisno, Herb.Managing conflict. Sage publication: The University of Michigan 52.1(1998):125-175.

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