Conflicts in a Team and Controversial Team Member Issue


Nowadays, people tend to do business in the increased ambiance of the environment, which has led to an intense focus on the teamwork. Companies feel a critical need for people who can think independently and work interactively; they know when to act alone and when to work with others. Team members take pride in the results of their work and appreciate the achievements of their colleagues. However, the team-building approach is certainly not a remedy for all organizational woes and complications that arise. It is characterized by inevitable theoretical contradictions, challenges in implementation, and dilemmas.

The Conflicts during Team Work

Working in a team is such an essential characteristic for hiring in the civilized world that prospective candidates are advised to put this quality first in their job interviews. And employers are more likely to choose an employee with good teamwork skills than with high personal, professional skills. The organizations are searching for people who would like to create and evaluate projects with other talented individuals (Tripathy, 2018). By virtue that despite the high personal, professional skills, one person can ruin the work of an entire team.

Types of Conflicts in Team

In a team, people calmly admit their mistakes and weaknesses, talk about what worries them, and are not afraid of condemnation or disapproval. First problem includes the lack of trust in the company may be evidenced by a simple fact – the absence of heated arguments and discussions at general meetings. The second problem is closely related to the first: feeling no trust in one another, employees walk away from conflicts by accepting the fake agreement. A valid agreement comes as disagreements are resolved, and difficulties are overcome. These difficulties tend to be associated with employee characteristics, which also often cause problems for teamwork. For example, if one person starts to dominate all aspects, there is a chance that the others will not have the opportunity to do their part. They lose motivation, become irritated, and resent the incorrect distribution of roles. There are also situations where passive individuals avoid even minimal contributions to the work and are often just lazy to perform their duties in the team and become ballast that no one naturally wants to carry. Every manager has the right to demand from employees a report on the work done. However, many are afraid to do so for fear of damaging relationships. The desire of team members to seek personal recognition and approval at the expense of the overall result is another common problem. It is important not to kill everyone’s ego but to make the collective ego stronger than the personal one to solve it.

Conflict Resolution

Conflicts are inevitable when working with other people. People have different perspectives, opinions about situations, and personalities. If you are a leader, how you handle controversial situations will determine your and the team’s success. The problem-solving strategies are the steps that help figure out the possible decisions to solve the agreement respectfully to all participants (Lantz et al., 2020). The worst strategies, in this case, are avoidance, complaining, blaming, and criticizing. After learning about the conflict, it is necessary to gather information about it. To do this, the person should talk to the parties to the conflict individually. The most significant point is in remaining impartial and do not rush to make accusations. A sober perspective often helps parties re-evaluate the situation and its role to make sense of what is going on.

Gossips and Downside of Involving

In my opinion, the interpersonal solution of the conflict within the team remains to be preferable. However, it can turn out to be impossible according to the key characteristics of the team participants. The noninteraction, in that case, can cause a lot of complications and unfortunate implications in the future. It is worth noticing that the third party involved, that person or people should clearly understand their level of responsibility and have all needed qualifications or knowledge to perform a compelling conflict solving. From my standpoint, the downside of the involving includes the challenging possibility of objective and complete understanding of the conflict situation, relying only on the provided verbal evidence from opponents.

Nonetheless, analyzing the providing material that illustrates the problem with a controversial team member, who, according to the evidence, performs rather self-concentrated and arrogantly (Folger et al., 2018); I suppose that non involving of supervisor can cause the problems with the project. I clearly understand the motivation of the other team members who are not emotionally ready to open confrontation with the problematic person. Their characteristics do not reflect their professional achievements.

In cases of individual problems, I mean when one person suffers from any teamwork conflict, it sometimes becomes tough to get the individual to help a senior. It will appear as a complaint and improper conduct from the team participant. That act can not correspond person’s beliefs and values. In this case, gossip appears when the person shares the worries with others searching for support or advice. People can even hope for someone to hear such talks and perform some actions to solve the problems.


Conflict is a valuable experience for all involved. If the conflict is due to organizational inadequacies, it is necessary to bring the problem to a higher level by suggesting a solution. The competent actions by a third party in a conflict between subordinates are essential to maintaining a healthy team environment and accomplishing work tasks. Expert advice, professionalism, and worldly wisdom will help keep the situation under control and deal effectively with problems.


Folger, J., Poole, M. S., & Stutman, R. K. (2018). Working Through Conflict Strategies for Relationships, Groups, and Organizations (8th ed.). Routledge.

Lantz, A., Ulber, D., & Friedrich, P. (2020). The Problems with Teamwork, and How to Solve Them. Taylor & Francis.

Tripathy, M. (2018). Building Quality Teamwork to Achieve Excellence in Business Organizations. International Research Journal of Management, IT & Social Sciences, 5(3), 1-7.

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