Mental Health Treatment and Research

The absence of access to psychological health treatment has been regarded as a silent catastrophe in various nations, with the World Health Organization (WHO) recommending alternative solutions to improve availability. Longer-term investments in understanding physiological causes of disease should be balanced with shorter-term financing of innovative preventive and treatment options to lessen the existing burden of intellectual disorder in high-income nations. Emphasizing one field of study above another may result in lower overall scientific outcomes. Mental health study gives crucial knowledge on illness tendencies and lifestyle factors, therapeutic results or primary care actions, functional skills, care patterns, and healthcare expenditures and utilization. To boost public mental health, initiatives to promote psychotherapy increasing widespread should be conducted using government-funded programs. This research paper provides reasons why the government should increase funding to expand the services of mental health research and treatment.

Mental health is still an overlooked concern across the globe, with governments and financiers at both the domestic and multinational levels failing to prioritize it. Roughly one out of every five people struggle with a psychiatric disorder daily (Woelbert et al., 2021). Everybody has a family member or colleague who is impacted by these ailments or knows someone who is. Several veterans have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and many others have committed suicide. Regrettably, high-profile and violent occurrences concerning persons with mental illnesses perpetuate long-held stereotypes (Woelbert et al., 2021). Increasing mental health research and treatment funding will provide additional solutions to help healthcare practitioners and the public carefully handle psychiatric patients. The moment has arrived to wage war on the cognitive disorder and invest in cutting-edge neuroscience research to improve diagnosis, prompt therapy, prevention, and treatment.

Cognitive wellness is frequently used to cover mental health issues, including nervousness, sadness, and schizophrenia. According to the World Health Organization, psychological health is a condition of wellbeing whereby each person reaches their total capacity, is capable of dealing with everyday pressures, is ready to operate professionally and meaningfully, and is competent to contribute to society (Fried & Robinaugh, 2020). Identifying patterns and socioeconomic variables in primary care, psychiatric research analyzes biopsychosocial aspects – how social, psychological, and biological functioning connect. This information is extremely useful in understanding the present psychological health situation in the United States and throughout the globe (Fried & Robinaugh, 2020). The results of such investigations have an impact on policies, including universal healthcare and education. Psychiatric study and treatment, for example, can influence public health policy by assisting practitioners and researchers in developing techniques to enhance overall mental wellbeing.

Research in mental wellbeing protects lives, alleviates significant misery, and enhances the standard of living. Moreover, it helps the entire community by establishing social and economic benefits that result in resilient communities, reduced levels of mental disorders, and reduced shame and prejudice. Due to psychiatric health research, healthcare practitioners can better comprehend strategies to enhance mental health in diverse communities. Psychological disease is viewed uniquely in each group, from its description to how it is communicated. As a result, psychiatric studies and therapy disclose mental health patterns and educate individuals on how best to enhance mental health in various ethnic and cultural groups. Increased rates of psychological health have been linked to higher education, innovation, and performance, and more excellent pro-social conduct and pleasant social interactions (Fried & Robinaugh, 2020). With better and increased funding from the government, quality research will be undertaken on the various racial groups, thereby encouraging effective treatment and prevention approaches.

There is much that practitioners do not understand regarding the nervous system, its links to the mind, and where and why processes might go wrong in the brain to produce psychiatric disorders. Therefore, this means that therapy will necessarily be educated guesswork. Although mental health issues represent 25% of all illnesses, they get less than 5% of all medical research financing (Whitney & Peterson, 2019). More than half of those with mental illness receive no therapy or assistance (Whitney & Peterson, 2019). In 2010, poor psychological health was predicted to impact the global economy with $2 trillion annually lost performance and bad health, with the cost expected to climb to $5.5 trillion by 2030 (Whitney & Peterson, 2019). As a result, mental illnesses cost a lot more than severe chronic ailments like cancer and diabetes. Despite this, the government underfunds and underprioritizes psychiatric research, thus missing out on possibilities to accomplish advancements similar to those in other healthcare fields.

The authorities use information from psychological health studies to determine if the psychiatric healthcare programs and resources offered to satisfy the public’s requirements. The places with the main focus areas are often the ones with the fewest information and support. Healthcare practitioners and significant participants benefit from mental disorders research and treatment because it educates them about existing deficiencies, allowing them to focus on policies and interventions for populations with the most gaps. Public health policies are critical since they apply primary care research and theories in the real world. Furthermore, public health regulations translate studies into practice and discover broad answers to previously highlighted issues (Woelbert et al., 2021). Without appropriate mental health policies, it undermines the potential to revolutionize people’s lives and improve wellbeing. The government should prioritize mental health research and increase funding to enable them to implement effective health policies.

Information received from mental health research play an essential role in the public. The results of mental illness studies and assessment research give critical information regarding community requirements and the effects of public training initiatives such as mental health first aid (Arango et al., 2018). These investigations offer advice on ways to promote mental health in various circumstances. Therefore, federal and state government funds should be directed toward initiatives that have been shown to increase general psychological wellness and lessen the prevalence of psychiatric illness. The mental health first aid strategy is a set of tools and materials that anybody may use to offer practical and emotional assistance to others (Arango et al., 2018). When people are in distress or showing clinical indicators of a psychiatric condition or dependency, numerous specialists can support them. Increasing funding for mental health research by the government creates a broad reach of information that educates public members on techniques to provide first aid to mental illness patients before seeking medical assistance.

While COVID-19 rages on, and alongside everything else happening in the world, such as rising living costs and racism, the number of Americans suffering from stress and despair is increasing. Approximately 40% of individuals in the United States experienced symptoms, up from 15% in 2019 (Pierce et al., 2021). As these concerns continue to impact Americans’ psychological wellbeing, specific long-standing challenges, such as the affordability and availability of care, gain new significance. In 2019, $220 billion was spent on psychiatric health therapies and activities, including counseling and prescription drugs (Pierce et al., 2021). The government should enhance mental health treatment spending to boost mental health and drug addiction treatment access and coverage. Furthermore, increased funding will prevent health insurers from restricting psychological health coverage more than physical illnesses. The growing awareness of the COVID-19 pandemic’s mental well-being ramifications argues that psychological health should receive greater emphasis in the future.

People, households, and societies may benefit from investing in psychological health because folks can get back to doing things they value. Even though psychiatric healthcare funding has increased over the previous decade, additional investment is desperately necessary (Arango et al., 2018). Increased funding can help with the integration of evidence-based approaches into everyday care. The majority of community-based psychological health programs are underfunded, and an absence of cooperation and leadership implies that non-financial skills and facilities are unavailable. The extra funds may, for example, be utilized to build community-based psychiatric initiatives that will assist international mental health programs across the country (Arango et al., 2018). Government funding for mental health care will promote personal and societal health, defend human rights, increase financial effectiveness, and progress closer to universal health coverage.

In conclusion, the under-prioritization of psychological wellness is a worldwide issue affecting local and foreign development aid. This is exacerbated by a severe absence of precise expenditure and resource distribution statistics. An increase in government financing for psychiatric healthcare should focus on the institution and community-based programs that provide better knowledge about dealing with mental disorders. The information from these programs enables individuals to consider mental disorders as serious illnesses, thereby minimizing stigma. Furthermore, additional funds in the study allow researchers to determine the disease pattern, making it easy for scientists to assess preventive approaches. Tackling the complex physiological, societal, financial, cultural, and legal factors of psychological disorders and wellbeing would undoubtedly need significant expenditure, in addition to the current increases. Nonetheless, more awareness and financing for psychological health promotion and prevention are required.


Arango, C., Diaz-Caneja, C. M., McGorry, P. D., Rapoport, J., Sommer, I. E., Vorstman, J. A., & McDavid, D. (2018). Preventive strategies for mental health. The Lancet Psychiatry, 5(7), 591-604. Web.

Fried, E. I., & Robinaugh, D. J. (2020). Systems all the way down: Embracing complexity in mental health research. BMC Medicine, 18(205), 128-145. Web.

Pierce, B. S., Perrin, P. B., Tyler, C. M., McKee, G. B., & Watson, J. D. (2021). The COVID-19 telepsychology revolution: A national study of pandemic-based changes in U.S. mental health care delivery. American Psychologist, 76(1), 14-25. Web.

Whitney, D. G., & Peterson, M. D. (2019). U.S. national and state level prevalence of mental health disorders and disparities of mental health care use in children. JAMA Pediatr., 173(4), 389-391. Web.

Woelbert, E., Lundell-Smith, K., White, R., & Kemmer, D. (2021). Accounting for mental health research funding: Developing a quantitative baseline of global investments. The Lancet Psychiatry, 8(3), 250-258. Web.

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