The World Health Organization’s Implementation of Quality Improvement Initiatives


Organizational culture is the collective way of discerning or sensation a given association. This culture generates the dynamic for a readiness to change and improve. In an organization where a dictatorial form of management is practiced, potential resistance is likely to take place, unlike where democratic governance is implemented. Democratic headship allows all stakeholders to take part in decision-making in an organization hence reducing the resistance level. The quality improvement plan, abbreviated as QI, is a comprehensive and predominant organizational effort plan for the health care organization and medical and service excellence development activities. Its purpose is to offer a continuing official practice by which the association and shareholders exploit impartial actions to screen and assess the eminence of providing services to the patients. Physicians, nursing staff, patients, and receptionists are examples of stakeholders needed to be present during the implementation of the QI initiative. This essay is going to focus on the World Health Organization (WHO) reflecting on the impact of cultural and organizational readiness as it relates to the implementation of quality improvement initiatives.

State of Cultural/Organizational Readiness for Quality Improvement in WHO

The current situation in the World Health Organization is denoted by three levels of organizational culture in readiness for quality improvement. Visible manifestation is the first one and entails the distribution of roles and facilities between service associations. It also encompasses the recognized ways of undertaking quality improvement and patient protection, documented ways of replying to staff apprehensions, hazard management, and grievance or feedback of the patient. The second level is the communal means of thinking which embrace the beliefs and values used to withstand and justify the sign observable above and the manners related as well as the foundations put in place for acting things contrarily. The WHO includes views prevailing on autonomy, dignity, and patient needs; evidence for action ideas; and hopes about quality, clinical performance, safety, and service improvement. The last level is the more profound shared assumption which is sustaining everyday practice in the WHO. It includes suggestions on suitable qualified roles and demarcations; patients’ and carers’ expectations on dispositions and information; and suppositions about the comparative power of professionals in healthcare-individually and collectively in the scheme of health.

Organizational Ethos Present for Quality Improvement

Organizational culture is present in the World Health Organization for quality improvement. This makes it possible to change, create and manage culture in search of wider administrative objectives. The culture of the organization guarantees that partners in the company have common beliefs, views, principles, and behavioral conventions. As a result, corporate culture is mirrored by a shared method of seeing that the company allows employees to perceive situations and occurrences in distinct but complementary ways.

Leadership Strategies for Supporting Quality Improvement

There are five leadership strategies present in the World Health Organization to support quality improvement, positive patient experiences, and healthcare quality. Unifying a healthcare organization both vertically and horizontally through communication is the first strategy. Leadership in WHO must collaborate as a single team with common goals and operating standards. Changes that cascade vertically can result in a systemic overhaul that affects everyone in the business; thus, no one should feel excluded or excluded. Training provision is the second strategy for supporting quality improvement in healthcare. Adequate training for employees in the World Health Organization helps them master new ways of doing things.

Concentrating on Ethos as a Strategic Initiative is the third strategy. WHO is attempting to reform itself, and culture must be prioritized. The hospital CEOs are enlisting the help of outside consultants to help them navigate a multi-year cultural change process that begins with aligning the C-suite around goals, values, processes, and commitment. In this organization, culture is frequently the focus of leadership-directed reform methods. Fourth, changing the executive team of the organization to reflect the changes desired is also essential. Patient-centered care necessitates a distinct mix of leadership methods in healthcare across jobs and talents, as well as new CEOs skilled in the technical and personal aspects of supervising caretakers. Finally, validating strong leadership is also a significant strategy for supporting quality improvement. Motivating the association team by signifying planned thinking, being flexible and open-minded, and showing them that they can depend on you to have their best concern at heart. Strong leaders can assist their team in tough conditions and change with confidence and clear-sightedness, no matter how challenging they might be.


Finally, the cultural organization calls an emphasis on a certain area of organizational activity. Organizational practice is defined by a shared pattern of thinking, speaking, feeling, and acting. Boosting healthcare quality will necessitate a large-scale, systemic shift. All strategies to improve healthcare culture must take into account cultural values, particularly those emerging from distinct members of the healthcare team. Ultimately, it is the leader’s role to assemble a competent team and prepare for organizational change as effectively as possible, assisting one’s subordinates in understanding and navigating the transition as best as they can.


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