The Role of the Insurance Industry in the Development of Fire Prevention

Improving public fire safety within the community involves considering many sides in this process. The insurance systems dedicate large efforts to developing fire prevention measures in the United States. This essay is going to analyze in what possible ways the insurance system contribution is possible along with considering possible ways in improving these efforts.

The insurance industry has its roots in issues of fire prevention, and if approaching this matter logically they have more than a good reason to participate in the development of the fire prevention system. The insurance business could be considered unprofitable in case they have to cover all the losses resulting from fires, therefore the first main step that the companies take toward minimizing their losses is accordingly reducing the fire situation and its consequences. Instances of their participation that should be mentioned:

  • Insurance companies started paying payments to independent and volunteer fire prevention companies for their services.
  • The provision for regular inspections for houses and firms to ensure safety requirements.
  • Providing education on fire prevention safety, e.g. “The insurance industry has long had a key role in fire prevention education in Oregon. In the 1990s, when the Awbrey Hall and Skeleton fires spurred central Oregon residents to action, Safeco Insurance Company partnered with the City of Bend on the highly successful FireFree wildfire awareness program.” (Wildfire Summit, 2006).

The efforts of the insurance system are constantly improving, and the next step possibly would be accepting rules of obligatory educational courses about fire safety for anyone willing to insure his property.

Works Cited

Heisel, L. (2008). Options for Consideration by the Wildland-Urban Interface Subcommittee.

Insurance Wildfire Summit : Legislative report. (2006).

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