The Impact of Technology on Medical Errors


Healthcare professionals use various strategies in order to reduce the number of medical errors. Some common strategies entail the use of conscientiousness, leadership, teamwork, and diligence. The most interesting thing is that modern technologies can make every medical practice much safer and faster. This research paper will analyze the impact of technology on medical errors.


Nurses and physicians must work hard in order to support the health needs of their patients. Medical theorists have identified several models that can improve the quality of care. Medical errors affect the effectiveness and performance of many Nurse Practitioners (NPs). According to Bowman (2013, p. 5), “physicians should embrace the best evidence-based practices in order to deal with various medical errors”.

Background Information: Literature Review

The number of deaths associated with various medical malpractices and errors have been on the rise. A total of “7000 deaths were recorded in 2009 due to medical errors in the United States” (Jamal, McKenzie, & Clark, 2009, p. 26). According to different studies, medical practitioners can prevent such deaths using the most appropriate practices and procedures. Some of “the leading causes of such deaths include drug reactions, poor treatment regimes, inadequate support, and inappropriate diagnosis of diseases” (Jamal et al., 2009, p. 27). Many patients spend a lot of money due to hospitalization and re-hospitalization.

Bowman (2013) has identified the effectiveness of various healthcare practices. Medical professionals and nurses have always embraced specific practices in order to achieve the best results. This fact explains why “teamwork and medical leadership are common in different healthcare facilities” (Bowman, 2013, p. 4). Modern technologies have become useful in different healthcare practices. Such medical “technologies have made it easier for many institutions to deliver quality services to their patients” (Bowman, 2013, p. 6). Computerized Physician Order Entry Systems (CPOESs) are currently encouraging more healthcare professionals to offer evidence-based care. These systems present the best medical guidelines and ideas in order to support different patients.

A study by Bowman (2013, p. 11) observed that “a large number of medical institutions were getting the best results due to such technologies”. For instance, a large number of “nursing institutions were using various information systems (ISs) such as Unit Dosing Systems (UDSs) and bar-codes” (Bowman, 2013, p. 6). According to the study, many doctors were able to offer evidence-based support to their patients. This approach is encouraging more caregivers to provide the best support to their patients. The practice “has reduced most of the medication errors encountered in different healthcare facilities” (Bowman, 2013, p. 11).

According to Anderson, Jay, Anderson, and Hunt (2003, p. 292), “an effective UDS has the potential to reduce errors by 80 per cent”. This system ensures every patient gets the best medical support. Studies have also explored the importance of such Unit-Dose Dispensing (UDD) systems. Bowman (2013, p. 12) also “explains how such technologies and medical equipment can be costly”. However, the author believes strongly that such technologies can safeguard the lives of many people. They can also reduce the number of errors encountered in many nursing facilities. Medical malpractices “also result in legal claims thus affecting the effectiveness of many healthcare practitioners” (Anderson et al., 2003, p. 292). This fact explains why every healthcare facility should embrace such technologies.

Emerging medical technologies will make it easier more physicians to diagnose various diseases. Such medical technologies will produce positive outcomes. Although “most of the above studies have focused on specific medical institutions, the agreeable fact is that such technologies have produced powerful practices and ideas” (Anderson et al., 2003, p. 292). Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSSs) have also become common in different healthcare facilities. Such CDSSs encourage caregivers to make appropriate decisions whenever diagnosing various diseases. Most of the above technologies will also improve the level of patient safety. These technologies have the potential to produce accurate results (Anderson et al., 2003). Some factors can make it impossible for different institutions to use such medical technologies. For example, some of these technologies are costly. They “also require competent individuals to use them properly” (Bowman, 2013, p. 12).

Doctors must use such technologies effectively in order to prevent different casualties. This fact has discouraged a large number of institutions from using such medical technologies. A study by Anderson et al. (2003) also examined the effectiveness of different Electronic Health Records Systems (EHRS). These systems can improve the level of medical care. Such technologies will also reduce the costs include by different patients. Such systems will “reduce numerous errors that might affect the lives of many patients” (Anderson et al., 2003, p. 293). This knowledge explains why physicians and medical facilities should use the best medical technologies. This practice “will reduce medical risks and improve the quality of patient care” (Anderson et al., 2003, p. 293). Medical practitioners should use this evidence-based information to support the health needs of their patients.

Using the Above Information to Improve My Practice

The above findings present evidence-based concepts that can improve the nature of medical practice. Medical professionals should use the above ideas in order to improve their philosophies. Medical institutions and nurse leaders (NLs) should implement new technologies in order to offer quality medical care. Such practitioners “should also identify the major areas that produce more medical errors” (Anderson et al., 2003, p. 293). For example, every Analog Data-Entry System (ADES) makes it easier for nurses to offer appropriate care to their patients. I am planning to use the best systems in my nursing facility. These modern technologies will ensure every patient gets the best medical support (Anderson et al., 2003). Such technologies will also reduce most of the errors associated with different medical practices.

Medical institutions should also “use new technologies to diagnose, monitor, and treat a wide range of diseases” (Jamal et al., 2009, p. 32). Modern imaging and scanning technologies make it easier for caregivers to diagnose various diseases. This approach will ensure “every medical support is effective, accurate and safe” (Jamal et al., 2009, p. 31). Managers of different nursing facilities “should also use new medical technologies in order to produce the best outcomes” (Jamal et al., 2009, p. 32). Medical institutions should use modern technologies in order to achieve the best goals. The approach will reduce medical errors and support the changing needs of different patients (Bowman, 2013). I will always embrace these medical practices and technologies in order to reduce the number of deaths. The government should implement new protocols and laws to support the use of modern medical technologies.

Challenges of Implementing this Evidence-Based Practice

Caregivers and nurses should always use evidence-based ideas. The use of modern technologies and systems in different medical practices will produce the best results. Healthcare professionals should use new technologies in order to reduce medical errors. However, some challenges will make it impossible for many organizations to implement this evidence-based practice. To begin with, such medical technologies “are costly and require a lot of money” (Bowman, 2013, p. 13). The second challenge is the need to train every user. A proper training program is mandatory because such technologies require competent users (Anderson et al., 2003).

The introduction of new technologies in a medical institution calls for an organizational change. Many workers and caregivers will always be against every kind of change. This situation makes it impossible for different workers to embrace new ideas and practices. The “organizational culture or practice within an organization might affect the use of such technologies” (Jamal et al., 2009, p. 35). Some modern technologies are unavailable in different countries. This situation “explains why many healthcare institutions are unable to achieve their goals and expectations” (Jamal et al., 2009, p. 35). Healthcare managers (HMs) should therefore use appropriate steps whenever introducing different medical technologies in their organizations.

The first step is looking for sponsors and donors. Such donors will ensure the targeted institution purchases the best technological devices. This step will ensure every organization uses the best medical devices. The second step is using a powerful change model (CM). A proper CM will ensure every caregiver in the institution embraces the new change (Jamal et al., 2009). A proper training program will equip more caregivers with the best ideas and competencies. The program will ensure every caregiver embraces the use of such modern technologies.

I will also encourage my nurses and employees to acquire new ideas. Such medical ideas will ensure the institution offers the best support to its patients. according to Bowman (2013, p. 14), “learning in the institution should be a continuous process”. This knowledge will ensure every stakeholder focuses on the best concepts and ideas. The practice will ensure the facility offers the best nursing care. I will use these stages to implement the above evidence-based practice.

Reference List

Anderson, J., Jay, S., Anderson, M., & Hunt, T. (2003). Evaluating the Impact of Information Technology on Medication Errors: A Simulation. JAMIA, 10(3), 292-293.

Bowman, S. (2013). Impact of Electronic Health Record Systems on Information Integrity: Quality and Safety Implications. Perspectives in Health Information Management, 10(1), 1-18.

Jamal, A., McKenzie, K., & Clark, M. (2009). The impact of health information technology on the quality of medical and health care: a systematic review. Health Information Management Journal, 38(3), 26-37.

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