The Concept of Health


Health is the completeness of the physical, social and intellectual aspects of an individual; which all interrelate towards realizing a healthy status. Some of the factors determining the health of individuals include lifestyles, environment, genetic factors, social integration, and the varying pressures within the environment like population increase. The conceptualization of health can be based on different variables within the human experience; ranging from religion, gender, social integration, and statuses with society.

From a personal view health is the sound nature of the physical, social, and mental aspects of an individual; from a basis where the emphasis is put on the balance required between these different variables, among other distinctive factors. With reference to early understandings of diseases varied development has been effected; where diseases are viewed as a product of both the intellectual and physical variables of an individual; unlike it was viewed previously. As a result of the dynamics of the environment like pollution, population increase, and climatic variations; it should be noted that the patterns of wellbeing, illness, and health differ with time and from one community to the other.


The idealization of human health has lately been focused on the threat of that; environmental pollution and contamination have resulted in the up-crop of infectious diseases which create a human concern around the globe. It can also be argued substantially that; the growing threat is a direct indication of the interaction between humans; the physical, natural, biological, and chemical components, and the nature surrounding or forming the environment (Schneider, 2006).

The difficulty in explaining and the concept of health is that; the reference points that often take the shape of communities or groups have a binding of ties integrated within the concept of institutions, sharing, and a common inhabitation. The other view in the conceptualizing of health is through giving it a functional definition based on the wellness of individuals; economical or religious-based approach; or on the gender of the individuals; where the definition of health is based on the individual’s sex (Schneider, 2006).

The impact of the differences in the conceptualization of health is that; professionals who are aware of the fact that the conceptualization of health affects the extent to which an individual responds to treatment or medication. Based on this, it can be argued that due to the economical view towards health which may involve considering the prices of medication like drugs, some individuals due to not being able to afford the costly drugs will have a negative attitude towards the cheap medication they can access. The religious conceptualization of health on the other hand affects the health and wellbeing of individuals and groups through that; some ailments are defined as having some spiritual explanation therefore the intellectual aspect of the group or individual may not be in support of the healing process, which adversely affects the administration of healthcare to varied groups. The conceptualization of health from a sex-oriented view on the other hand; affects the health and wellbeing of individuals in that some diseases are known to affect women and not men or vice versa; therefore an instance contrary to the common convictions are likely to be questioned and doubted(Schneider, 2006).

From an individual view, perspective, and experience the concept of health is the status of an individual in all aspects; a measure of the purposeful and metabolic effects of an individual or organism. From a universal point of view its held that health is the product of social and personal soundness as well as the favorability of physical capabilities; which is engraved in the physical, intellectual, and social soundness of an individual which together sums up the trinity or triangle of health. The main factors influencing this thinking and view about health include the experiences gained in practicing healthcare, exposure to different ailments and treatment tactics which are mainly intellectually operated; and the different views consolidated into the understanding from literature, research, and the views of others. From this point of view, experience and exposure can attribute the health of an individual as being the product of the following variables; individual lifestyles, healthcare service access, varied environs, and the physical human biological processes and functions (Glanz, Rimer, & Lewis, 2002).

Some of the early documented thoughts previously held about health and illness include that from a societal view; an increase in the macroeconomics level brings a substantial health improvement. However contrary to that belief from study and research, it’s discovered that those societies or countries with a ‘low per capita income’; have life expectancies and health realizations comparable to those of rich developed countries. From the same it is realized that the only area of limitation for developing countries is that; the system of advancing and developing health is not developed, means of controlling the prices of healthcare are poor and disease prevention technologies are deficient. Another previously held idea was that the mental aspects of an individual commonly referred to as the mindset does not affect the levels of health among individuals. Contrary to these views it’s been found out that the mindset and emotional balance of an individual either deter; or enhance the performance of the physical body in carrying out the healing, repair, and constructive roles it plays in eliminating diseases and ailments. There was also the idea that diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure only affect the elderly like the trend was before; but it’s been found that these diseases affect even the young, depending on their physical, mental, lifestyle, and genetic variations(Glanz, Rimer, & Lewis, 2002).

From the improved information and exposure to the concept of health, research, and studies geared towards improving the health status of individuals a more holistic view towards dealing with diseases and ailments has been developed. Based on the information accounted for; It’s been studied about the role of the mindset and mental convictions of individuals and the essence of peace of mind; realizing that in the practice of healthcare one has to be conscious of the emotional, and mental balance of a patient. This is because it greatly contributes to the impact of medication. From the analysis accounted for; advocating has been done for counseling among other moves to nurture the mindset and intellectual efforts of an individual towards medication, as this has proved rather functional than the medication itself. From the discussion, it is clear therefore that human health is a function of various distinctive factors, and not just a product of the biological, environmental, and lifestyle variables of an individual(Schneider, 2006).

To start with the concept of health has been modified to encompass or mean a state of perfect intellectual, physical, and social soundness of an individual; and not just the absence of diseases in the body. The questions of what constitutes or causes diseases in the intellectual realm of an individual have been raised; leading to further questioning the objective tools available to deal with the problem of intellectual deficiencies. It has been scientifically proved and justified that the physical and the psychic aspects of an individual; which can mean a disease or impairment in the other (Schneider, 2006).

From these changing concepts of health; the healthcare administration personnel, institutions, and stakeholders have modified their efforts to address the different areas of focus in addressing the area of health. Based on the same research and studies that have been carried out in the pursuit of explaining what underlies the incidence of diseases; and not just the disease itself as from such a perspective diseases like those of the mind are unexplainable. The definition of diseases has also been modified to reflect the root cause of the various diseases, as similar complications may be a result of intellectual or biological impairments thus not to be corrected similarly. Within the area of medication, the area of emotional and intellectual health has also been given due consideration as it has proved a vital step in addressing physical complications (Glanz, Rimer, & Lewis, 2002).

The patterns of ‘health, wellbeing and illnesses’ have changed over time and from one community to the other based on several factors. Some of the factors that have led to the incidence of variations are the lifestyle led by individuals where behaviors like drinking are causing complications of the liver, which were not known a few years back and nor their impacts. Another determinant of the varied patterns of health is the environment and climatic change; which has meant the development of environment-borne diseases like malaria, sickle cell anemia which further affects different individuals based on their genetic composition and varied localities. The condition of pollution within the environment; has further caused the variations in these patterns as diseases like skin diseases resulting from water pollution to occur in different groups from different localities. The variations in incomes translate to access to healthcare and educational awareness which contributes to the measures individuals, localities and groups employ in preventing diseases(Edelma & Mandle, 2006).

Some societies understand health and wellbeing as the product of spiritual observances and death as the outcome of failing to adhere to these formulations. Other societies explain health and wellbeing from a fully scientific perspective; holding that death is also explainable scientifically. Other societies will also view diseases and wellbeing as a product of adaptation; where the failure to adapt leads to the occurrence of diseases and the result of death. However, these definitions are getting more rationalized and scientific as time goes by (Clark, 2001).


Having discussed health as the soundness of the physical, mental, and social aspects of the individual; it is indicative that based on the different views among different groups regarding these variables; the conceptualization of health varies from one individual, group, locality, or community to another. From the discussion, it was also conclusive that due to the varying disease patterns and information; interventions and treatment modes have been changed to reflect the changing health demands like solving the intellectual mindset about the disease. From the study it was also clear that disease patterns vary from one community to another with reference to time; based on the ideologies held by the group and varying environmental among other conditions.

Reference list

Clark, J. (2001) Nursing in the Community: Dimensions of Community Health Nursing. 3rd ed. Stamford, Conn: Appleton & Lange.

Edelman, L&Mandle, L (2006). Health Promotion throughout the Life Span. 6th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Mosby Press

Glanz, K,.Rimer, K, & Lewis, M. eds.(2002). Health Behavior and Health Education: Theory, Research, and Practice. 3rd ed. Hoboken, NJ: Jossey-Bass

Schneider,J. (2006). Introduction to Public Health. 2nd ed. Sudbury, Mass: Jones & Bartlett Publishers Inc

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