Statistical Significance and Clinical Importance of Results

This assignment aims to compare and contrast the definitions of the results’ statistical significance and clinical importance. In the wide sense, the statistical significance demonstrates the probability of happening occasion, and clinical importance illustrates the extent of the experience. Clinical significance is commonly more related to the practical applicability of the results (Grove & Gray, 2018). A clinically relevant conclusion characterizes patient outcomes such as consequences of diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation period, etc. The critical attitude of practitioners toward research findings is well known, and this criticality is partly related to different criteria for the importance of outcomes. In assessing clinical significance, attention is paid, for example, to the proportion of patients whose condition has improved and to individual-oriented indicators, but not to the magnitude of the probability value.

A statistically significant result is a probability-based result, and under this term are subsumed statistical methods that allow the estimation of the association between dependent and non-dependent variables. Statistical significance of results is not of primary importance or meaning to the study. Statistical results have little to do with medical practice and are not particularly important to a concrete treatment plan. If only statistical results are considered in a study, the data may not be valuable in practice.

Therefore, it is essential to consider the magnitude of the outcome and the value of the probability in the study. The best way to do this is to establish the variability of clinical and statistical results in medical research. It is essential to understand that a clinically significant finding has implications for patient care but may not be statistically significant. This is usually the case with a limited sample of studies. Still, it should be noted that one should not put absolute faith in such clinical studies but refer to broader studies for statistical support of the data. The results of medical research medicine should be interpreted in the context of the nature of the study and other available data. The researcher must remember that regardless of the statistical data, it is crucial to reason about the final results and analyze all the data together, as well as consider the situational importance in clinical or statistical studies.


Grove, S.K. & Gray, J.R. (2018). Understanding Nursing Research: Building an Evidence-Based Practice. Elsevier Health Sciences.

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