Social Factors and Crime. Crime and Deviance

There are many tools that have been used as means of reducing crime. However, crime rates remained relatively stable with insignificant changes over the past years. Could some factors have been overlooked in the past? I am writing this to you, the chief of Hamtramck Police Department, in hopes that you can consider my proposition and come up with alternative preventive ways. The question, therefore, is whether social environment and interactions influence the crime rate of a place, or whether the social system can be used as a tool of reducing crime. The current community policing and arrests you have used have not solved the problem. Strong community bonds that are complemented by a proper attitude by the police affect crime rates in society, and in Hamtramck these factors appear to remain overlooked.

Crime has been on the rise despite the frequent patrolling and punishment on the culprits by the police. This notion shows that the current way of solving this issue by the police has not resolved it and needs a different approach that would look into its roots. The paper by Akers and Jennings combines several studies and incorporates modern social theories to provide the overview of the issue. The authors argue that the social system determines the occurrences of criminal activities (Akers and Jennigs 116). When individuals and social organizations take a direct participation in what happens around them, it is easier to single out criminal behaviors and address the problem (Akers and Jennigs 114). Different activities that create an engaging environment are lacking. Indeed, there are efforts by the police to prevent racial profiling and other discriminatory methods that harm the local community (Sercombe). However, they do not appear to be fixing the issue, only a portion of its symptoms. You, as the head of the police force, are able to positively influence the community you serve outside of upholding order.

The family and local community are the basis of all social interactions plays a role in who one becomes. The book by Kee et al. explains how a community can achieve well-being via both theory and practical examples. The lack of teachings about pro-social behavior have led young people to engage in criminal activities because their improper perceptions of crime (Kee et al. 116). First, the police should come up with forums that educate parents to ensure that at a younger age children need keen parental supervision. Moreover, restorative justice have proven to be more effective that punishment, and it is possible to force change through socialization (Akers and Jennigs 116). When social needs are not met, one is likely to be involved in crime such as theft to meet them. As Hamtramck police often deals with these individuals, it is able to identify their needs and the causes for their behavior. If there are no other options in life, individuals are likely to keep indulging in it. I propose the establishment of a rehabilitation program, such as peer group meetings, and culprits can be redirected there by the police.

In conclusion, social factors play a vital role in crime reduction, but they require cooperation between social organizations, individuals, and the police. They involve understanding different perceptions and ideas and why people do things differently. Therefore, they require actions to be taken and the stakeholders involved to work together. You can call upon us, your local community, to give our time and provide assistance with creating a social bond with people who got into difficult life situations that drove them to resort to crime.

Works Cited

Akers, Ronald L., and Wesley G. Jennings. “Social Structure and Social Learning in Crime and Deviance.” Social Learning and Social Structure, 2017, pp. 103-120.

Kee, Youngwha, et al. Social Factors and Community Well-Being. Springer, 2016.

Sercombe, Charles. “A Few Words on Hamtramck’s Police Department.” Hamtramck Review, 2020, Web.

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