Philosophy of Nursing Overview

Philosophy in medicine or healthcare is not a new understanding. In ancient times, many doctors possessed not only the talent of healing but also the gift of writing, and playing music, and not only engaged in knowledge in astronomy, mathematics, and physics but were also famous philosophers. Avicenna at one time created a philosophical, medical encyclopedia, which he called “The Book of Healing.” Plato and Socrates, Hippocrates and Avicenna, Galen and Horace, and many other scientists of the ancient era spoke about philosophy in medicine. Philosophy is a form of spiritual activity aimed at posing, analyzing, and solving worldview issues related to the formation of a holistic view of the world and the place of man in it. Therefore, speaking about nursing philosophy, we are talking about how nurses think, what they believe in and how they perceive life. It is a holistic system of nurses’ views on the world (nature, society, thinking) that has a significant impact on their activities. It is a way to think about who nurses are and what their role in society is.

The philosophy of nursing is based on the universal principles of ethics and morality. In my opinion, at the center of this philosophy should be a patient. An individual with biological, psychological, social, and spiritual needs, also known as a nursing environment, is the right perception of a patient regardless of his religion and social status. Much attention should be paid here to the attitude of the nurse to the patient as to a person, to an individual. I believe that the core aspect of nursing philosophy is respect for life, dignity, and human rights. The philosophy of nursing defines the nursing responsibilities, goals, and personal qualities of a nurse. Hence, the philosophy of nursing should contribute to the establishment of the ethical responsibilities of a nurse in inpatient care, such as maintaining confidentiality, respecting patient autonomy, and telling the truth.

Moreover, I think that a nurse must have special personal characteristics such as being merciful, honest, conscientious, benevolent, and psychologically stable. A nurse should be distinguished by the speed of reaction and must be able to find an individual approach to the patient. Moreover, fulfilling your professional duty impeccably with a minimum of emotions and health pragmatism is an essential part of excellent nursing. To be successful, a nurse should have a constant need for the experience of her knowledge, for the development of her personality, because patients no longer see a tired and indifferent health worker, but an active, radiating warmth, whose professional strength and vital energy, one way or another, instills confidence in your recovery (Giddens, 2018). In addition, since the nurse has to work with different categories of patients, for each patient, the nurse must create an atmosphere of respectful attitude to the patient’s present and past, to his life values, customs, and beliefs.

To conclude, nursing is a science and art aimed at solving existing problems related to human health in a changing environment. The philosophy of nursing establishes the basic ethical responsibilities of professionals in the service of individuals and society; the goals to which the professional strives, and moral qualities, virtues, and skills expected from practitioners. A nurse must always be patient-oriented and make sure that proper care is provided in a timely manner with high quality. Finally, for the successful development of a nurse, constant learning and practicing knowledge is an essential part of the nursing profession.


Giddens, J. (2018). Transformational leadership: What every nursing dean should know. Journal of Professional Nursing, 34(2), 117-121.

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