Peter Sis’ “The Conference of Birds”

The 2013 book, The Conference of Birds by Peter Sis, develops an understanding of human wisdom and the decisions which people make, following their experiences. The author creates different characters, including the Hoopoe, the Simorgh, and other birds. The characters symbolically make the audience comprehend and relate to the human mistakes which prevent attaining enlightenment and the need for hope and patient virtues. Therefore, Peter Sis’s book The Conference of Birds makes the audience relate and understand the different happenings to the real world, hence developing virtues of patience, perseverance, and optimism.

In The Conference of Birds, Peter Sis portrays the birds’ journey to the Kaf mountain as a trip that measures individual patience and perseverance. Some birds despair even before the first stage is commenced (Sís, 2013). Notably, considering the high number of birds which started the journey from different parts of the world, only thirty managed to reach the end and subsequently meet their leader (Sís, 2013). According to Schnitker et al. (2017), patience and perseverance require people to act independently towards attaining their target goals and overcoming different obstacles which might be on their way. Similarly, the thirty birds which reach the terminal overcome different challenges. The persistence of the birds can have an affiliation with the actual life journey which people pass and achieve success. Connectedly, the birds’ mountain trip reveals fortitude and insistence, whereby the audience learns that the waiting attitude is crucial.

Additionally, the author presents the birds’ journey as a motivation for individuals to work hard towards attaining the stipulated goals. The birds are on the mission of finding and meeting their true leader (Sís, 2013). Despite nature eliminating some on the way, they thrive towards seeing their sovereign, being led by Hoopoe. Dörnyei (2019) opines that motivation allows people to change their behavior and growing interests, boost engagement, and develop critical competencies. Understandably, Hoopoe and his colleagues are motivated to fly to different valleys before finally meeting their monarch, hence, it is a considerable motivation. Every bird aims at seeing the king, including those who decided to quit in the first phase of the trip (Sís, 2013). Thus, the book presents the birds’ voyage to Kaf massif as an impetus for people to work diligently to attain their objectives despite the challenges on the way.

Besides, the text develops the trip as a massive exploration, whereby individuals learn different life scenarios, increasing their knowledge regarding diverse concepts. The book creates a design where the birds go to the seven valleys, starting with the valley of Poverty, and moving to the ones of Quest, Love, Detachment, Knowledge, Wonderment, and Unity (Sís, 2013). In the Quest valley, the Wayfarer commences by casting aside the unbelief, belief, and dogma (Sís, 2013). Subsequently, the birds abandon the reason for affection’s sake in the love dale. In the valley of Detachment, the characters leave behind worldly pleasures (Sís, 2013). The Unity vale teaches the Hoopoe and others birds that multiplicity, eternity, and harmony are far less behind beloved. Moreover, the Wonderment and Poverty canyons teach the characters that they do not understand the beauty of their beloved-and-self disappear into the world, making the Wayfarer timeless (Sís, 2013). Hence, the birds’ journey to Kaf mountain is an exploration experience that leaves Hoopoe and other characters with excellent life skills.

Furthermore, The Conference of Birds text portrays the journey as a struggle which increases Hoopoe, Simorgh, and the other thirty characters’ endurance, hence, emerging quite strong. They start the trip as a group, but only thirty reach the final destination (Sís, 2013). The birds pass all the tests and gather enough knowledge, leading them to the terminal where they meet their king. In the end, the problems and harsh conditions the characters have faced have made them strong and impervious. Equally, the birds’ journey teaches the audience that they should bear different life obstacles and be optimistic that they will succeed at the terminal by embracing significant progress. Thus, Peter Sis portrays the characters’ trip to the mountain as the one that shows them the importance of motivation, hence need to endure different incidences since they make one sturdy, able to navigate various live ordeals successfully.

Distinctively, McLuhan’s hot and cool concept and the human history theory are applicable in analyzing the birds’ conversions in Peter Sis’s work The Conference of Birds. In the hot and cool theory, McLuhan argues that “the communicated message in media is hidden and not directly presented” (Conway & Quellette, 2019, p. 1). The quotation relates to Sis’s book, whereby the birds are of different colors (Sís, 2013). The different colors of the characters represent people pursuing life differently. Moreover, human history theory mentions that people are shaped by various life transitions (McLuhan, 2015). In other words, the environment shapes the behavior of an individual. The concept relates to the birds which have undergone different changes before reaching their king. Connectedly, McLuhan’s hot and cool ideology, and human history concept relate to the occurrences in Sis’ book.

Conclusively, the book The Conference of the Birds teaches the audience the virtues of patience, persistence, and optimism. The birds that thrive throughout the seven valleys are the ones that meet the King. It is only thirty characters that reach the target end. Above all, there is a need for people that struggle and never lose hope as a way of becoming successful in life.

Peter Sis' “The Conference of Birds”

The picture presents the theme of patient and perseverance, whereby they are critical pillars in a person’s life. Hoopoe and the other birds remain persistent and patient until they meet their king. The thirty birds which reach the final destination are similar to the character in the above picture who starts from zero. Significantly, the picture above relates to the book considering that it teaches the audience that when one embraces confidence, courage, hard work, dedication, and patience, they ensure success. Overall, the picture presents an understanding that there is a need for people to be optimistic and embrace endurance.


Conway, S., & Ouellette, M. (2019). Playing it cool: Considering McLuhan’s hot and cool taxonomy for Game Studies. Convergence, 26(5), 1211–1225. Web.

Dörnyei, Z. (2019). From integrative motivation to directed motivational currents: The evolution of the understanding of L2 motivation over three decades. In the Palgrave Handbook of Motivation for Language Learning (pp. 39–69). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. Web.

McLuhan, E. (2015). The Sensus Communis, Synesthesia, and the Soul: An Odyssey. BPS Books.

Schnitker, S. A., Houltberg, B., Dyrness, W., & Redmond, N. (2017). The virtue of patience, spirituality, and suffering: Integrating lessons from positive psychology, the psychology of religion, and Christian theology. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 9(3), 264. Web.

Sís, P. (2013). The conference of the birds. Penguin Books.

Essay Grading Rubric

Area of Assessment A B C D F
Content-thematic analysis&insightful commentary Author makes connections between textual support and overall main idea/ theme. Moves beyond WHAT happens and analyzes the WHY. Author has expressed unique insight, depth of thought, resulting in a
convincing and enlightening paper.
Author makes connections between textual support and theme. The WHY is discussed, but in a more pedestrian manner, leading to more obvious conclusions or showing less depth of thought overall, yet essay is still sound and interesting. Author does not make connections between textual support and ideas. Some ideas are unoriginal or only skim the surface of the text. The thematic ideas may not be incorporated throughout the essay well, resulting in a weaker arguments overall. Author has little connection between textual support and thesis, or does not explore the WHY, simply identifies elements to outline the plots of the novels. Essay may be unoriginal in thought, leading to a regurgitation of already- stated facts and observations. Author has failed to focus the text itself, relying instead on research to analyze the time period or author without using adequate textual reference for a substantiated claim. The essays lacks depth and does not interpret text, simply revisits and summarizes.
Style-organization, clarity and fluency of ideas, focus on main ideas and insights. Overall fluent and focused essay. Paragraphs are framed with connections to claim and well organized.Transitions aid in fluency and author’s prose incorporates textual support in a sophisticated manner. Intro and conclusion aid in power of the essay. Paper is mostly focused and fluent. Paragraphs contain connections to thesis/claim, though perhaps not as explicitly at times. Transitions are present between paragraphs and leading into textual support. Intro and conclusion frame essay. Paper not focussed and fluent. Paragraphs are organized but not in the most logical way. Transitions may be mundane and paragraphs may contain more implicit than explicit connections to the ideas. Intro and conclusion may contain more “fluff” than substance. Paper is organized in an illogical manner, and the connections between paragraphs may be vague. Implicit connections to the main idea throughout. Lacks some transitions and perhaps quotes are simply “plopped” into prose. Mundane intro and conclusion. Paper lacks any fluency or organization of ideas. Focus waivers drastically. The main idea gets lost along the way. Lacks transition or explicit connections between ideas. Textual support chops up prose. Intro or conclusion may be irrelevant or omitted altogether.
Support– adequate support and textual analysis from primary source and balanced with commentary and insights. Abundant use of textual support that adds to the power of the essay. Support is applicable to author’s main ideas and is used to guide the essay. Secondary source support aids in the analysis and provides additional insightthat, proves depth of thought. Good use of textual support from the text, which is applicable to the main ideas, but perhaps less explicitly at times. Ideas may not be as well- integrated. Textual support is adequate, although not very thorough. Student seems to try to incorporate text, although some is not connected to the overall main idea. Textual support is present, but sparse. Student omits a source, including less than the required for. Support may be irrelevant to the main idea at times. Student fails to use textual support and secondary sources. Textual support does not indeed align with the main idea of the essay at all.
Grammar, spelling, subject/ punctuation etc.
Essay uses 3rd person, active voice, present tense, with strong verbs and a variety of sentence structures. Has clearly been proofread, as errors are sparse and language is, in turn, Essay contains occasional flaws in grammar and conventions, perhaps with more repetitive sentence structures or more common language. May have missed some of the more difficult Essay contains obvious errors in grammar and conventions throughout, although they do not distract from the meaning. Language usage is sentence structure is basic but still conveys the point. Essay is peppered with errors in grammar and conventions and frequently must be re- read to follow the ideas. Language and structure begin to distract from the meaning, lacking the maturity of the It seems as though the essay was not proofread at all. Various errors in usage, grammar, and conventions distract greatly from the ideas and mar the essay to the point of incoherence.
Formatting– including Works Cited correct citation Paper is correctly formatted in APA style including the heading, header, page numbers, titles, citations (punctuated correctly), Works Cited (hanging indent, alphabetical order). Paper contains a noticeable number of errors and does not consistently follow formatting rules
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