Nurses’ Role in Health Care and Transformation

How Nurses Can Help Drive Healthcare Innovation

This source proves the role of nurses in modern American health care. It helps to see the current situation in nursing practice from the point of view of direct participants of nursing care, and it will be used in the paper. It contains a description of recent achievements and challenges in the healthcare system, as well as covers crucial historical events, including the role of Florence Nightingale. Rebecca Love is the author of this TED talk, who relies on her personal experience as a nurse and an entrepreneur and statistical data to prove the connection between nurses and innovation processes in 2020.

Exploring the Utility of the Nursing Role Effectiveness Model in Evaluating Nursing Contributions in Primary Health Care: A Scoping Review

The goal is to discuss the role of nurses in primary healthcare settings through the prism of the Nursing Role Effectiveness Model. This source provides a synthesis of the literature about the improvements in different healthcare sectors. Therefore, it will be used in future research to get a professional background. This peer-reviewed article is developed by a team of Canadian researchers, who used the findings published within the last 20 years. The search strategy included several credible databases, with inclusion criteria being properly identified.

Health Care in Crisis: Hospitals, Nurses, and the Consequences of Policy Change

The purpose of this source is to investigate the work of hospitals and nurses, as well as patients’ attitudes toward health care, under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Financial stability creates a number of challenges for many not-for-profit organizations, and this book introduces the discussion of human and economic resources. It will be used in the study as it describes the role of nurses as process-oriented and patient-oriented workers. Theresa Morris wrote this book as an opportunity to evaluate the consequences of the ACA and used the results of hew ethnographic observations and interviews with nurses and hospital employees. It was published in 2018, and the timeliness of the topic helps discover the recent changes in nursing practice.

Nurses Play Vital Roles in Health Care. Why Are They Invisible in the Media?

The lack of nurses’ representation in the media is the key aspect for discussion in this article. Despite the fact that the number of nurses prevails over the number of doctors, the nursing staff is rarely viewed as key leaders or credible sources. The use of this source contributes to a better understanding of why nurses need to claim their authority. Myers, the author of this web article, is a professor at the university, and her experience and observations provide a strong basis. The use of recent statistics and the examples taken from the 1990s makes it possible to compare the changes in nursing practice.

Healthcare Transformation and Changing Roles for Nursing

The purpose is to identify the factors that enhance healthcare transformations and promote changes in nursing roles and responsibilities. Nurses work hard and develop their skills to provide patients with high-quality care and reduce costs. This source will be used in the paper because it explains the connection between nurses and healthcare changes within the last several years. Both authors work at nursing schools and use their resources to develop new studies. There are more than 60 credible sources to support the discussion in this peer-reviewed article, and all of them were published within this century.

Nurses Are Trying to Save Us from the Virus, and Ourselves

This article aims at describing the work of nurses during the coronavirus crisis. It creates specific value to the project about nurses and their role in health care. Therefore, its usage in the future project is proved by the possibility to use personal examples and stories. Zak and Hesse are the authors of this journal article, and they work for the Washington Post. They retell the stories of several nurses and use photos to prove their appropriateness in today’s situation.

Leadership in Nursing Practice: Changing the Landscape of Health Care

Nursing leadership proves the importance of these employees in health care, education, and practice. This book proves that not all nurses have to be managers or leaders, but their skills cannot be neglected or poorly developed. It will contribute to the study about nurses and their impact on care services. Weberg is one of the authors of this book, and he is an expert in healthcare innovation and nursing. The team of professional nursing researchers used practice activities, assessments, and interviews to support their discussion about the conditions under which current nursing care is provided.


Love, Rebecca. “How Nurses Can Help Drive Healthcare Innovation.” TEDx, Nov. 2018, Web.

Lukowich, Julia A., et al. “Exploring the Utility of the Nursing Role Effectiveness Model in Evaluating Nursing Contributions in Primary Health Care: A Scoping Review.” Nursing Open, vol. 6, no. 3, 2019, pp. 685-697.

Morris, Theresa. Health Care in Crisis: Hospitals, Nurses, and the Consequences of Policy Change. New York University Press, 2018.

Myers, Carole R. “Nurses Play Vital Roles in Health Care. Why Are They Invisible in the Media?” STAT, 2018, Web.

Salmond, Susan W., and Mercedes Echevarria. “Healthcare Transformation and Changing Roles for Nursing.” Orthopedic Nursing, vol. 36, no. 1, 2017, pp. 12-25.

Zak, Dan, and Monica Hesse. “Nurses Are Trying to Save Us from the Virus, and Ourselves.” The Washington Post, 2020, Web.

Weberg, Dan, et al. Leadership in Nursing Practice: Changing the Landscape of Health Care. 3rd ed., Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2019.

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