Management Communication in Organization

The company believes that effective communication is a powerful determinant of successful performance. As a result, the management sees to the fact that all types of communication are carried out: upward, downward, and lateral. The key aim of this communication is the elevation of trust and understanding between employees at different hierarchy levels (Bell & Smith, 2010).

The upward communication mainly aims at receiving relevant feedback. Hence, the employees are welcomed to comment on the recent implementations, propose a change, and ask for leaders’ assistance. Downward communication, in its turn, is used to inform employees about the latest news and urgent tasks promptly. The appendix contains examples of downward communication. Finally, lateral communication serves to help employees discuss problems with each other (Gibson, 2004, p.288).

Effective communication helps to engage employees in the decision making process. The corporate management assumes it critical that the participation in the corporate discussions assists in motivating employees and makes them more responsible. According to Kato (2013), shared decision making enables employees to understand the mechanisms of the company’s operating and reduces their resistance to change.

Otherwise stated, effective communication comprises the basis of the leadership philosophy. Hence, the company’s leaders believe that sincere and constructive communication helps them build successful teams that show high motivation and inspiration. It also assists them in preventing conflicts and turnover. As a result, each leader considers it critical to ensure consistent communication at three different levels: organizational, interpersonal, and systemic. The relevant approach relies on Lake, Baerg, and Paslawski’s (2015) leadership theory that implies the priority of consistent communication within the workforce.

Reference List

Bell, A.H., & Smith, D.M. (2010). Management Communication. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.

Gibson, P.H. (2004). Administrative Office Management. Mason, Ohio: Cengage Learning.

Kato, T. (2013). Sharing Ownership, Profits, and Decision-Making in the 21st Century. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing.

Lake, D., Baerg, K., & Paslawski, T. (2015). Teamwork, Leadership and Communication: Collaboration Basics for Health Professionals. Edmonton: Brush Education.

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