Global Communication: Importance for Business


Global communication refers to the development and distribution of information by verbal and non-verbal means in an international environment. The significance of global communication cannot be overestimated since it enables partners from different sides of the world to collaborate effectively. Global communication is crucial in the spheres of business, politics, health, social studies, and others. Company leaders aim at succeeding in global communication as it allows them to expand their business opportunities, enter new markets, and establish new partnerships.

Global Networking and Communication

Global networking is no longer associated only with mathematics or computer sciences but has acquired a definition of something that spans over the whole of a system. Global network means a growing link between people living in different parts of the world. With the help of information and communications technology (ICT), it has become possible to share social, entrepreneurial, cultural, and political data (Ünver, 2018). Not only people but also organizations and even countries can benefit from global networking and communication. The reason why global networking has gained rapid development is a considerable improvement in infrastructure and transportation. ICT has an impact on the communication between individuals and companies both within one culture and between different cultural environments.

ICT has also led to an effective change in communication as a concept related to technical progress. Global communication has become most effective due to the emergence and progress of the Internet and mobile telephones (Ünver, 2018). Having access to these and other current technologies promotes a high level of global communication irrespective of spatial or time differences. Without communication, cultural emergence would not be available (Ünver, 2018). Meanwhile, communication between partners belonging to different cultural environments endorses a better understanding of both cultural and market differences and similarities.

With the help of global communication, solid partnerships are built, and critical decisions are made. Many previously unavailable options have become accessible, such as decreasing costs on raw materials and labor, setting more competitive prices on products and services, entering new markets, and opening original product lines. Global communication has opened a number of opportunities for group and individual players in the market and altered the economic system of the whole world.

Global Communication and Emerging Economies

The quality of collaboration at an international level depends on a variety of aspects, emerging economies being one of them. The following issues have an extensive impact on the success of global communication: social change, cultural gaps, historical inheritance, and speed (Gronwald, 2017). Apart from these, there are other risk factors associated with global communication and emerging economies: the Gross Domestic Product, the competition from emerging markets, and the gap between low-income and high-income populations (Gronwald, 2017).

Additionally, each partner’s financial stability, insufficient security of intellectual property rights, corruption, and bureaucratic issues can undermine the success of international communication. Thus, prior to engaging in global communication, it is crucial to analyze the economic and cultural background of the prospective partner. That way, mistakes can be avoided, and the most productive collaboration can be arranged. It is necessary for each player at the market to realize that communication brings about not only benefits but also challenges, the successful resolution of which will lead to advantageous outcomes.

Global Communication and the Digital Era

One of the factors influencing the development of global communication at present is the considerable digital transformation taking place in all spheres of life. Digital changes result in a variety of intelligent devices, objects, and machines that interact with one another, people, and their surroundings by means of various applications and sensors (Friedrichsen, 2020). Due to the rapid evolvement of the so-called Internet of things, people’s ways of living and working undergo substantial alterations. As a result of such accelerated globalization, communication has become one of the challenges of the current century. However, despite pessimistic predictions, global communication has advanced positively over the past decades.

Researchers forecast several significant changes in global communication in vie of digitalization. First of all, it is expected that electronic equipment will become more integrated, leading to easier communication (Friedrichsen, 2020). Secondly, the universality of interconnection and the variability of apps and services will promote global communication. Next, communication is likely to become more generalized by means of data exchange and content production. Also, Friedrichsen (2020) anticipates that the role of communication will grow because people will exchange not only information but also products and services. Finally, due to the specific features of modern and future global communication, the principles of ethics related to data exchange will be reevaluated.


Global communication, which is rapidly developing and offering more and more opportunities for partners from different countries, has become an integral component of modern business. Global connections allow mitigating cultural differences, solving problems, and reducing the number of misunderstandings. Most importantly, global communication enables entrepreneurs to arrange new connections with other players at the market and allows creating and selling products, as well as shipping them all over the world. Both business people and consumers benefit from the opportunities presented by global communication.


Friedrichsen, M. (2020). Global communication trends in the digital age. In Y. R. Kamalipour (Ed.), Global communication: A multicultural perspective (3rd ed.) (pp. 407-422). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Gronwald, K.-D. (2017). Global communication and collaboration: Global project management, global sourcing, cross-cultural competencies. Berlin, Germany: Springer.

Ünver, H. (2018). Global networking, communication and culture: Conflict or convergence? Spread of ICT, internet governance, superorganism humanity and global culture. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

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