Diet Education: Obesity in Children

Lately, there has been a dramatic escalation in the prevalence of childhood obesity and overweight around the world. It is a highly dangerous problem that depends mostly on two factors. The first one includes heredity and predisposition, the formed set of genes derived from parents. The second aspect includes environmental influences or exogenous factors. Children spend a lot of time watching TV and playing video games; they lead sedentary lifestyles that contribute to obesity. In addition, eating habits are crucial determinants in the context of childhood obesity (Lee & Yoon, 2018). Regular overeating contributes to digestive problems, pancreatitis, and cholelithiasis. It is crucial to state that the more extra pounds a kid has, the more difficult it is for the body. Excessive weight increases strain on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and affect the musculoskeletal.

High-calorie, refined foods, sugary drinks, snacks, frequent skipping meals, large portions, not enough fruits and vegetables are directly connected to the development of obesity. Replacing a balanced diet with snacks and bites with low nutritional value aggravates the situation. Therefore, proper habits and dietary education are the most appropriate solutions. The production of meals high in oil, sugar, or salt, marketing and advertising, aggressive sales policies, and misleading product labeling limit the ability of consumers, especially children, to make rational and healthy choices. At the same time, if they understand all the negative consequences of poor nutrition and are aware of the composition of some products, the circumstances can change for the better. It is known that there is a high correlation between education and health – that is, a higher level of knowledge indicates better health and vice versa (Murimi et al., 2018). Complete and properly organized education is a prerequisite for a long and full life and the absence of many diseases.

Moreover, it is very important to form a diverse range of tastes in school-age children so that they like different healthful foods and meals. The idea that delicious foods are not always well should also be conveyed. Supplementing this with the notion of how much food is sufficient, not enough, and too much will help influence eating habits and thus reduce the risks of obesity. School facilities, where children spend an enormous amount of time, play an influential role in dietary education (Nekitsing et al., 2018). If cafeteria menus offer wholesome and tasty alternatives to favorite foods, children will not have to resort to junk meals. Thus, it will greatly influence the formation of proper habits and lifestyles.

Overweight children usually do not eat the most nutritious foods. Their diet is dominated by fast carbohydrates: baked goods, sweets, desserts, juices, fizzy drinks; and fats: fast food, fried foods, fatty foods. At the same time, there is not much protein, fiber, or water. It is essential to mention that widespread information about the positive properties of vegetables and fruits influences the understanding of pupils about the fact that food can be delicious and healthy at the same time (Kim, 2018). Thus, it is extremely significant that parents and teachers at school educate children that excessive weight can lead to many diseases.

Moreover, they are responsible for providing information about vitamins and healthy nutrients contained in vegetables and fruits. Accordingly, pupils should understand that when they take a banana or apple for lunch, they not only take away vitamins from their bodies but also protect their own health. As for diet education, it is critical that it applies not only to children but also to their parents (Kim, 2018). This is because adults often cannot explain to their kids why they need to include complex carbohydrates in their diet (porridge, whole grain bread), lean meats, and fish.

Consequently, if parents formulate the correct dietary behavior in their infants from an early age, the risk of child obesity will decrease. In order for fathers to form the proper nutritional position, they can use Internet resources and consult with dietitians. Certainly, it is crucial that they show their children an example of a healthy way of life, because by applying their own example parents can discourage their kids from eating broccoli instead of French fries. Thus, the influence of food education is of high significance for preventing obesity in schoolchildren. It should be stated that there are several techniques for improving children’s understanding of the importance of a healthy lifestyle and proper eating (Aggarwal & Jain, 2018). The most extensive of them is to form a healthy menu at school and educate the child about the benefits of this kind of food. However, it is also essential to develop the habits that parents encourage, so it is important that adults have enough knowledge to foster children’s healthy eating behavior.

Thus, if one does not force pupils to eat healthy food but clarifies its benefits, children themselves will refuse all kinds of snacks and tasty treats in favor of fruits and vegetables. At the same time, if from an early age children are given all kinds of food, such as meat, milk, porridge, vegetables, and fruits, it is eating will become customary. At the same time, if from an early age pupils are provided all kinds of food, such as meat, milk, porridge, vegetables, and fruits, it is eating will become customary. As a result, children’s desires for food will change, and the level of obesity will decrease.


Aggarwal, B., & Jain, V. (2018). Obesity in children: definition, etiology and approach. The Indian Journal of Pediatrics, 85(6), 463-471.

Kim, Y. (2018). The awareness of the dietary education and dietary management competency of (preliminary) teachers in primary and secondary schools. Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association, 30(3), 215-231.

Lee, E. Y., & Yoon, K. H. (2018). Epidemic obesity in children and adolescents: risk factors and prevention. Frontiers of medicine, 12(6), 658-666.

Murimi, M. W., Moyeda-Carabaza, A. F., Nguyen, B., Saha, S., Amin, R., & Njike, V. (2018). Factors that contribute to effective nutrition education interventions in children: a systematic review. Nutrition reviews, 76(8), 553-580.

Nekitsing, C., Hetherington, M. M., & Blundell-Birtill, P. (2018). Developing healthy food preferences in preschool children through taste exposure, sensory learning, and nutrition education. Current obesity reports, 7(1), 60-67.

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