Change Management Overview

In a company, departmental heads are tasked with decision-making and management. On the other hand, employees are responsible for duties assigned to them and respond to changes in the system to improve performance and productivity (Bateman et al., 2020). When implementing new changes, the department managers often face resistance from the employees that might, in return, affect the productivity of such departments in the organization.

For effective management of change resistance in the department, managers should understand their subject’s way of operation. This will make it easier for them to bring new ideas with less resistance. To overcome the resistance to acceptance and adoption of the new ideas in the department system, the head of the department should:

  1. Communicate prior to and educate the staff about the possible changes that are about to be installed in the system (Bateman et al., 2020). This will create awareness and prepare them psychologically for what to expect in the coming days. By offering education training about the new system, they will not feel insecure when you eventually deploy the changes.
  2. Ensure the key stakeholders are part of the new system (Bateman et al., 2020). The stakeholders will influence the overall perception and response of the junior members towards the implementations. Gaining management approval is critical to the success of change implementation in any department.
  3. Provide the necessary support and resources that may help employees adapt to the ways of new changes (Bateman et al., 2020). When employees feel supported with knowledge, training, and other resources, they become part of the change process.
  4. Create personal rapport with employees because the head’s relationship with the juniors will impact the decisions made and their execution (Kovaitė et al., 2020). Always ask them how they feel about the changes and how they should be implemented in the system, such input increases acceptance.


Bateman, T., Snell, S., & Konopaske, R. (2020). Management (6th ed.). McGraw Hill.

Kovaitė, K., Šūmakaris, P., & Stankevičienė, J. (2020). Digital communication channels in Industry 4.0 implementation: The role of internal communication. Management: Journal of Contemporary Management Issues, 25(1), 171-191. Web.

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