Branding as an Element in Marketing a Product or Service


Branding has evolved over the years in the process of marketing products and services. More firms are increasingly focusing on improving their brand as a strategy to improve their profits. Branding refers to a name, sign, term design, or symbol that is aimed at identifying a product or service that belongs to a particular seller. Through branding, a firm can differentiate its products and services from those of its competitors. The growth in branding has resulted from the profit maximization objective of firms. This is because branding results in increase product and service awareness which culminates in an increase in the firm’s sales and hence the level of revenue. Creating product awareness is the first step of making a sale.

Over the years, branding has become so prevalent in the business environment due to an increase in the degree of competition. To be able to cope with the intense competition, firms have incorporated the concept of branding as a differentiation strategy. Effective branding enables firms to attract potential customers while at the same time prevent existing customers from switching to competing products.

There has been an increasing debate over the social influence of branding. The discussion of this paper is aimed at illustrating the fact that branding has got a positive social impact. The paper is based on a case study analysis of who is wearing the trouser by Factiva Incorporation.

Branding results in consumer protection

Through branding, consumers can identify various products and services with their producers. This means that in case of complaints regarding the quality of certain products and services, the consumers can be able to address them to the relevant producers. Firms invest a significant amount of money in protecting their brands. The result is that the producers can effectively improve the quality of their products and services which benefits society.

Therefore, brands enable a firm to be more humbled and become more accountable. For example, according to Victoria and Spero (2003, p.18), Coca-Cola company lost a lot of sales in Belgium due to cases of product contamination. When the issue was addressed to the firm’s management, it dismissed the health issue. This resulted in a decline in the firm’s sales. Therefore branding enables a firm to respond to possible crises associated with its products and services and not to cover the problem. One of the firms that have proven to be effective in addressing problems associated with its brands is Johnson & Johnson (Matt, 2003, p.143). This attests to the fact that branding enables consumers to obtain effective customer protection. In addition, the consumers can obtain value for their money and hence maximizing the utility of their consumption. This shows that branding enables the firm to effectively incorporate the concept of corporate social responsibility.

Effectiveness and efficiency in making a decision

Individual and institutional customers undertake a comprehensive search in the process of making their purchase decisions. According to Catherine and colleagues (2008, p.6), consumers make their purchase decision for a particular product or service basing on their knowledge of a particular brand. Consumers attach the value of a product to the strength of the brand. According to Clive and Richard (2005, p. 38), consumers do not perceive any value in products or services which are not branded. This means that such products do not warrant any premium price. On the other hand, strong brands enable consumers to reduce the time lapse between decision-making and the purchase of a product or service. This is because the consumers are familiar with the brand and they trust it. In addition, branding enhances a firm’s public image which enables the consumers to associate themselves with these brands. This means that branding results in the creation of a sense of belonging in the minds of the consumers.

Improvement in the living standards

Due to the increased rate of competition, firms are increasingly becoming more concerned with improving their brand. This has greatly benefited the developing economies. For instance, the multinational companies venturing into these economies have a formulated good human resource compensation strategy in form of wages and salaries to enhance the image of their products and services within the society. The result is an improvement in the consumer’s living standards.


Branding is an important element in marketing a product or service. Over the years, firms are increasingly concentrating on branding as a strategy to increase their profit level. The prevalence in branding has also resulted from increased competition and hence the need to create product and service awareness.

Branding has got a positive social influence. For instance, it results in increased consumer protection. This is because the consumers can be able to associate the product or service with the producers. The effect is an improvement in the quality of the products and services supplied to society. It also results in efficiency and effectiveness of making purchase decisions amongst the consumers. Branding also results in an improvement in society’s living standards. This is because firms participate in corporate social responsibility; improve their working conditions and salaries as a strategy to improve their brand image.

Reference list

Catharine, C, Gilles, L, Aimee, G. Jane, E & Angela, G. 2008. Decision making and brand choice by older consumers. New York: Springer Science, LLC. Web.

Clive, H. & Hamilton, D. 2005. Affluenza: when too much is never enough. Crow Nest, NSW: McPherson printing group.

Factiva Incorporation. 2001. Who is wearing the trousers? London: The Economist Newspaper. Web.

Matt, H. 2003. Brand failures: the truth about the 100 biggest branding mistake of all time. New York: Kogan Page Limited.

Victoria, J & Spero, C. 2003. Crisis management in Belgium: the case of Coca Cola.(On-line). Atlanta, Georgia: Mercer University. Web.

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