Brain Compatible Learning Environments

This study will take a look and define what can be termed as an apt Brain learning environment as opposed to the traditional teacher-centered method. This model doesn’t just hammer information into the student bet it takes a critical look at how the brain takes processes and interprets information (Sousa, 2003). A neuroscientific approach has been applied this help to understand how the brain works. It helps in learning and classroom development. This type of learning is centered on the learning that utilizes the whole brain while appreciating that students learn in different ways (Caine & Crowell, 1999). This model emphasizes on employment of information related to real-life themes it helps in the good use of the mind. It is said that everyone can learn but the reality is not everybody does learn. This study will focus on fundamental areas of learning including; Curriculum, instructions, environment, and assessment


Brain compatible institutions will have in their curriculum, language, reading, and writing skills mathematics, social sciences, physical sciences, arts like music, and basic survival skills like first aid, the curriculum is set in a flowing manner. The approach is systematic and well synchronized in all institutions offering the same curriculum. There is a given time frame and what one is expected to cover the curriculum.


With the use of audio and visual aids, the teacher can explain into detail a concept on the topic of the day (Scribd, 2010). Instructions are given using five-point principles that act as a guide. Intelligence is displayed as a function of experience, there is a tight correlation between the body and the brain in the learning process. Emotions impact heavily on learning and performance, body movement is paramount for it enhances performance. Students are taught various ways of approaching, tackling, and solving problems. There are two learning processes, one that seeks meaning through a certain pattern or formula, and the other one is which seeks to exploit the ideas that have been passed down, internalized, and stored in the long-term memory of the brain. Different temperaments will have an impact on learning pace, attitude, and performance. Brain-compatible institutions will aid the learner in eliminating fear and becoming relaxed and very alert. These institutions also help the learner to consolidate information and actively process it.


The environment should be set up in a manner that encourages and enhances this activity. Forgaty (1998) describes an intelligent friendly classroom as a place where the ambiance is a caring, mindful guide to the intellect need of every child in it. It helps in stimulating the brain and opens it for knowledge to trickle in. Heredity provides about 30% to 60% of the brain’s capabilities while the environmental impact provides for between 40% and 70%. That’s why a good learning environment will produce better results since the learners are comfortable (Kaufeldt, 2005). The use of teaching strategies that are none threatening coupled with a good environment makes acquisition and implementation of what is learned more enhanced. Before the industrial revolution in the mid-1800s, the school system was a one-roomed school that accommodated all the students, however, after the revolution the factory model which is the modern-day classroom model was adopted. There is a need to incorporate, brain-compatible ambiance to boost the students’ intake. It is important to display symbols in corridors and public spaces this will help sink into the minds of the students the school’s purpose and theme (Gregory & Parry, 1998). The whole setup should be learner-friendly but not instructor or institution-friendly. The learning environment should be safe so that the students can learn with relaxed minds. Students should be provided with places for group learning this helps in stimulating social skills and cooperative group work, there should also be quiet areas for reflection and retreat which helps in building and use of intrapersonal skills. Different hues in school help the mind to understand, change and appreciate different environments. The learning environment should be set up in a way that should be able to put students on an academic platform (Kaufeldt, 2010). Brain learning is a system that explains how the brain learns naturally this is achieved by the use of the student’s real-life, emotional experiences as well as personal history. This incorporates mastery learning, experimental learning, cooperative learning, experimental learning, practical stimulation, and problem-based learning.


Assessment aids the teachers, parents, and the students to maintain a reflective look of improvement and developments. Regular testing is the most commonly used method, depending on the institutions’ curriculum, testing is done after a regular academic period using verbal or formal written tests. Demonstrations are used in judging a students capability and creativity on the practical aspect of education. Arts and writing are some useful ways of proving academic growth. Co curricular activities also provide another avenue for assessing students’ development. When multiple assessments methods are applied, the best results are attained.

Learning methods and percentages

One learns….10% of what is read, 20% of what is heard, 30% of what is seen, and 50% of that is both seen and heard.70% of what is discussed with others80% of what is experienced, 95% of what one teaches. This consideration will be put in mind in this study.


The big advantage of brain-based education is that they take into consideration the needs of the learners, they create a conducive environment for the absorption of information, and it also creates room for experimenting and practicing what has been learned. Learners are allowed to discover their potential and nature their talents. Since learning is designed around student’s interests, it gets easier and becomes more fun and hence the level of understanding is high. Learning is structured around real problems and this encourages students to learn even things that are outside their classroom setting by solving real-life issues. It also allows the learner to learn through all possible avenues. This is a highly effective model that simplifies learning as well as makes it fun.


Caine, G., Nummela-Caine, R., & Crowell, S. (1999). Mind shifts: A Brain-Based Process for Restructuring Schools and Renewing Education, 2nd edition. Tucson, AZ: Zephyr Press.

Martha Kaufeldt (2005). Teachers Change your Bait, Brain-Compatible Differentiated Instruction. Corwin house Press, Thousand Oaks.

Martha Kaufeldt (2010). Begin with The Brain Orchestrating the learner-centered classroom 2nd Edition. Crown house Press, Stamford.

Parry, T. & Gregory, G. (1998). Designing Brain-Compatible Learning. Andover, MA: Skylight Publishing.

Robin Forgaty, (1998). Brain-Compatible Classroom, Vol 79. Sky limit Training and Publishing Inc, Illinois.

Scribd (2010). Brain-Based Learning.

Sousa, D. (2003). How the Gifted Brain Learns. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press Incorporated.

The Center for Effective Learning (2010). Highly Effective Teaching. Web.

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